B4A Library Leadbolt Ads

Hi all,

(Long post warning!)

I am going to release a new library for leadbolt.

Please use following link to register (it will help me get some referral bonusses, and it will cost you absolutely nothing):

LeadBolt Mobile Ad network- Advertise and Monetize traffic on Android and iPhones

If you thought admob was bad, and airpush was a fresh breath of air, wait till you try leadbolt!

Lets just say what I can get from leadbolt is at WORST twice what I get from admob, and at BEST so far is 6 times what I get from admob. <-- on a daily basis! (was very very close to hitting $100 in one of my days on leadbolt alone)

I am doing some fine tuning on the library and should release it within the next 24 hours.

So please show some support and love for humanity, and sign up with the link above... hehe.. you will really like the revenue generated.

LeadBolt Mobile Ad network- Advertise and Monetize traffic on Android and iPhones

To test the ads out, download one of my games, BallTapp:


It has admob, airpush and leadbolt in it.

On their site, they have a library for B4A built by them, that library adds the web type ads, something like what Millenial Media has. I have tried those and the returns are no fun at all.

Their push notifications are excellent, plus they arent as hated as airpush for some reason... overpublicity by airpush perhaps? LOL!

Do register your accounts with leadbolt and set up your ads for Notification (SDK) type.

Another good point about them is you will be assigned an accounts manager, who reply your mails and is contactable via IM. (unlike the unknown that is admob/google)

Questions or feedback welcome.

PS - Feedback is really appreciated as the other ad libraries I've released have had no responses if they work fine or not for others. :(



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Hmm... the SDK on their site is outdated. I will e-mail them to update it.

I thought so, i also e-mailed him, i don't think i will get a reply from him until tomorrow, :( oh well, thanks ssg.



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Attached is the Beta version of the library which I helped Leadbolt test. I do not think anything has changed, BUT, use at your own risk.. kekeke...

Nah, so far no issues with the library.

Have fun!


  • LB-Beta.zip
    47.9 KB · Views: 234


New Member
I can see there is a new version available in the help section which is up to date. I would try checking your account again or asking the support people.


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Leadbolt ad banners

Hi guys, i know this is probably a stupid question, i have gone over and over all the tutorials, but i can't get the ads to show up, i have used the ad notifacation method and that works fine, i have also used the new app icon feature and that also works great, but i'm trying to add "ad banners" to my next application
i use the following code in the
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime  As Boolean)
adLeadbolt.AsynchTask = True
adLeadbolt.loadLeadboltAds("xxxxxxxxx", adLeadbolt.ADS_APP)
End Sub

for some reason the ads don't show up, i have the section ID right, and i did the changes necessary to the manifest file, but i still don't see anything,
do I need to add a webview to my app for the ads to show up?
or what am i doing wrong, anybody?

attached is also my manifest file

thanks guys

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
- <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="dandre.dev.com" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" android:installLocation="preferExternal">
  <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" /> 
  <supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:smallScreens="true" android:anyDensity="false" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT" /> 
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> 
- <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="iElectronic Reference App">
- <activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:name=".main" android:label="iElectronic Reference App" android:screenOrientation="unspecified">
- <intent-filter>
  <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> 
  <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> 
  <activity android:name="com.google.ads.AdActivity" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation" /> 
  <activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:name=".timerpage" android:label="iElectronic Reference App" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" /> 
  <activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:name=".opamppage" android:label="iElectronic Reference App" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" /> 
  <activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:name=".mainscreen" android:label="iElectronic Reference App" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" /> 


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Webview is not needed, the ad will be auto added by the library. Your code and such seems fine.

I've attached sample project of mine which loads the ad just fine. Have a look if anything goes weird or something.



  • testlb.zip
    5.5 KB · Views: 229


Licensed User
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lead bolt ad banners

hi ssg, thanks for your help, however i tried running your example and it runs great with your section ID, once i replace it with mine the ads won't show up, i noticed that the first ad that came up when i ran it was a video ad, that's very neat, the ad i'm trying to display is an ad banner, would that make a difference?

i don't think it does, but maybe i'm missing something
any ideas?


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In the manifest of my sample code, you will need to set android:anyDensity="false". That seems to show the banners fine. Give that a try with the sample project.

Do check the generated manifest file has this setting to false.

Hope that works :D


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leadbolt ad banner

Hi ssg, thanks again for your reponse, i actually got it working this time, but now i have two questions.
#1 do i need to set the code in a timer to load the ads every certain amount of time, or do they refresh automatically?
#2 when someone clicks on of the ads and they are taken either to the market or to another page, how do you get back to the application?

again thanks for your help?


Well-Known Member
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Hi walterf25,

1 - Not too sure as I dont use banner ads from leadbolt. But I believe it is not auto refreshed. Timer would be an ideal way to go.
2 - Click back button on your device will bring you back to your app. Sometimes leadbolt load an internal webview of their own, that has its own back button. That button will need to be pressed to return to your app.

Hope that helps...



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leadbolt ad banner

Hi walterf25,

1 - Not too sure as I dont use banner ads from leadbolt. But I believe it is not auto refreshed. Timer would be an ideal way to go.
2 - Click back button on your device will bring you back to your app. Sometimes leadbolt load an internal webview of their own, that has its own back button. That button will need to be pressed to return to your app.

Hope that helps...


thanks ssg, i have placed a timer that loads a new banner every 10 seconds, and that works great, when i click on an ad and it takes me to the market, and i click back button sometimes it takes me to this blank page that says "please complete the selected offer" and on the bottom there's a back button but when i click on it it doesn't take me back to the application, and i click back button again on the phone it just exits out my application.


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Leadbolt ad banners

Hi ssg, you mentioned that you don't use ad banners in your apps, what would you say are the most profitable ads you use on your apps, i would like to look at one of your apps to see what kind of ads you implement in them, can you name one so i can download it and give it a try, i will make sure i give it a good rating!



Active Member
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Hi ssg,

Thanks for your Leadbolt lib and info.
I'm following this thread regularly from the beginning until it's time
to implement.

I managed the banner ad config. in a standard way (displaying on top).
But do you know how to code an ad showing on a screen, while
executing some action and disappear when a content is coming up.
(trying to prevent some wasting blank space here :D)