B4A Library [Lib, Chargeable] Amir_RecyclerView

New b4a library! :)

RecyclerView, an important part of the sdk and android for making a custom list with better Layout , animation , and fixed for large data set.

Amir_RecyclerView released new version that we call it AX_RecyclerView.

version 1.0.8 is last update for Amir_RecyclerView and we will work on AX_RecyclerView only in future.

RecyclerView Android X : https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/recyclerview/widget/RecyclerView

"RecyclerView is part of the v7 support library which means you can use it on anything that has api 7 and up"


Advantages of using recyclerview instead listview:
  • ViewHolder Pattern
In a ListView, it was recommended to use the ViewHolder pattern but it was never a compulsion. In case of RecyclerView, this is mandatory using the RecyclerView.ViewHolder class. This is one of the major differences between the ListView and the RecyclerView.​

  • LayoutManager
This is another massive enhancement brought to the RecyclerView. In a ListView, the only type of view available is the vertical ListView. There is no official way to even implement a horizontal ListView.​
Now using a RecyclerView, we can have a:​
i) LinearLayoutManager - which supports both vertical and horizontal lists,​
ii) StaggeredLayoutManager - which supports Pinterest like staggered lists,​
iii) GridLayoutManager - which supports displaying grids as seen in Gallery apps.​
And the best thing is that we can do all these dynamically as we want.​

  • Item Animator
ListViews are lacking in support of good animations, but the RecyclerView brings a whole new dimension to it. Using the RecyclerView.ItemAnimator class, animating the views becomes so much easy and intuitive.​

  • Item Decoration
In case of ListViews, dynamically decorating items like adding borders or dividers was never easy. But in case of RecyclerView, the RecyclerView.ItemDecorator class gives huge control to the developers but makes things a bit more time consuming and complex.​

  • OnItemTouchListener
Intercepting item clicks on a ListView was simple, thanks to its AdapterView.OnItemClickListener interface. But the RecyclerView gives much more power and control to its developers by the RecyclerView. OnItemTouchListener but it complicates things a bit for the developer.​

For more info:

You can add plugins as library and connect it to Amir_RecyclerView using a line of code

Current Plugins :
  • Amir_RVHeaderFooter
  • Amir_RVToolbarParallax
  • Amir_RVEmptyView
  • Amir_RVCardSlider
  • Amir_RVCarousel
  • Amir_RVDiscrete
  • Amir_RVExpandable
  • Amir_RVFanLayout
  • Amir_RVFeature
  • Amir_RVItemPicker ( deprecated )
  • Amir_RVLayoutAnimation
  • Amir_RVMultiSelection
  • Amir_RVParallax
  • Amir_RVRefreshLayout
  • Amir_RVShimmer
  • Amir_RVSkidRight
  • Amir_RVSwipeCards
  • Amir_RVVegaLayout
  • Amir_RVEchelon
  • Amir_WearableRecyclerView
  • Amir_RVDragItem
  • Amir_RVStickyHeader
  • AX_RecyclerViewPager ( deprecated )
  • Amir_RVAnimators
  • AX_RVSelection
  • AX_RVItemPicker
  • AX_RVPageIndicator
  • Amir_RVChipsLayoutManager
  • AX_RVSwipeLayout 1.00
  • AX_RVHeaderParallax
  • Amir_RVCardViewAdapter
  • Amir_RVExpandableStickyHeader
  • Amir_RVOverScroll
  • AX_RVFastScroller
  • AX_RVHeightStaggeredGrid
  • Amir_RVDragAndSwipe ( NEW )

Demo and samples how to use :

Download the DEMO.apk ( updated in 28th of July 2019 )
Download Demo Source Code

Extra Samples are here

Current version of Amir_RecyclerView : 1.2.0

Be sure to check the apk sample before purchasing.

You can have this fantastic library just with $25 ( only Amir_RecyclerView )
Full packages include all plugins only $35

Short documentations attached , special thanks to fredo

After your purchase please send me an email with your purchase detail ( alimanam@gmail.com )



  • Amir_RecyclerView_FullPackage_1.0.2.LIBDOC.zip
    61.1 KB · Views: 1,653
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
The price has changed for a limited time :

You can have this fantastic library just with $15 ( only Amir_RecyclerView )
Full packages include all plugins only $25

Paid $25 with PayPal. Sent a mail to the given address :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Current Plugins :
  • Amir_RVHeaderFooter
  • Amir_RVEmptyView
  • Amir_RVCardSlider
  • Amir_RVCarousel
  • Amir_RVDiscrete
  • Amir_RVExpandable
  • Amir_RVFanLayout
  • Amir_RVFeature
  • Amir_RVItemPicker
  • Amir_RVLayoutAnimation
  • Amir_RVMultiSelection
  • Amir_RVParallax
  • Amir_RVRefreshLayout
  • Amir_RVShimmer
  • Amir_RVSkidRight
  • Amir_RVSwipeCards
  • Amir_RVVegaLayout
  • Amir_RVViewPager
  • Amir_RVDragItem

But only ONE of them is available in the Full Package? Amir_RVFanLayout. What about all the others?
And even i am missing example projects for all of them. Or maybe the full code of the example apk.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
After some tests I have come to the conclusion that the Recyclerview can be described with a clear conscience as a useful enrichment of the B4A Views. The advantage is that with only a few lines of code you can create many different lists. Below are some screenshots with the corresponding code.

Plugin_SwipeItem.jpg Plugin_HeaderFooter.jpg Plugin_EmptyView.jpg Amir_ViewPagerCustomLayouts.jpg Amir_RVVegaLayout.jpg Amir_RVSwipeCards.jpg Amir_RVSkidRight.jpg Amir_RVRefreshLayout.jpg Amir_RVParallax.jpg Amir_RVLayoutAnimation.jpg Amir_RVFeature.jpg Amir_RVFanLayout.jpg Amir_RVDiscrete.jpg Amir_RVCardSlider.jpg Amir__RecyclerView_ScrollBar.jpg Amir__RecyclerView.jpg Amir_RVExpandable.jpg Amir_RVCarousel.jpg Amir_RVMultiSelection_countselect.jpg


Licensed User
Longtime User
The Amir_SocketIO is part of the full package, (because I don't found it)?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
For the detailed use of the RecyclerView package, documentation of the libs were required and created from the XML files (using Informatix's LibDocTool modified for batch processing).

If you need such documentation, you can use the enclosed zip file.

The list:

The way it looks:

Please note, that I'm not the author of the content. What you see is in the (libxy).xml created by the LibDocTool.


  • Amir_RecyclerView_Full_Pack_libdoc.zip
    56.7 KB · Views: 362