Good day
Download Additional Libraries
Download BANanoVuetifyAD3Core Library OR Download BANanoVuetifyAD3 Library
Download Kitchen Sink WebApp (Optional - useful for Learning how this works)
Download BVAD3Builder (Optional - useful to trim your final package)
Download (All Source Code Related to this Series)
Getting Started (Video of Setting up your IDE - PLEASE FOLLOW THE GITHUB LINK ABOVE)
Forms (TL;DR)
Creating Forms with VFlexDialog (VDialog+VForm+VFields)
Video Lessons
00. Up and Running with BVAD3 in 5 minutes
01. Creating a Login Dialog
02. Creating input controls for the login dialog with validation
03. Getting the entered data i.e email and password, validating it, showing a loading button
04. Adding a background image for our page and hiding the navbar and drawer for until a user is authenticated.
05. Creating the back-end database and User Sign Up
06. User Sign Up and "Taken" User Profiles
07. User Sign Up
08. User Sign Out
09. Creating our own HTML tags i.e. Components
HIGHLIGHT!!!! - The New Form Builder
10. Creating Dialogs
11. Live Code Swapping / Hot Reload
12. VMsgBox Inputs & Prompts & Changing Button Labels @ runtime
13. Beginning Offline First WebApps
14. Creating a Text File NotePad (i.e reading text files)
15. Introducing the V-Data-Table (VueTable)
16. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - BindState Source Code Generation with the Kitchen Sink BindState Tool
17. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - A Time to Reflect
18. Mashy Teaches BANanoVuetifyAD3 : Creating a Data Table Invoice Listing using MySQL PHP
19. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - Basic Animations with BANanoAnimeJS
20: CRUD - Creating a Dialog Form to capture our Invoices - Part 1 [Lesson 18 - continuation]
21: CRUD - Creating a Dialog Form to capture our Invoices - Part 2
22: BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - The Awesome Beautiful Sweet Alerts
23: CRUD - Creating a Dialog Form to capture our Invoices - Part 3
24: Installing BVAD3 Class Templates
25. CRUD Page Template
26. Creating a simple chat bot
27. Mashy Teaches V-Label
28. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - Getting Started
29 The basics of creating Single Page Applications (SPAs)
... Export VueTable to PDF and Excel (with one liners)
Changing the WebApp Global Font
Handling UI Breakages on Page Refresh
Data-Table: Import CSV, Run Timers, Inline Editing & RealTime Updates, Export to Excel & PDF
V-Data-Table Exports Explained - PDF, Excel, CSV Exports
Updating our UI at run-time (using a single v-bind object) - a demo based on Alerts
Changing the look and feel of the scrollbars
Explaining the VList(View)
Vue Fetch HTTP Requests with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Vue Axios HTTP Requests with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 1
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 2
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 3
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 4
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 5
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 6
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 7 (JSON CRUD)
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 8 (Styling VueTable)
Creating Vuetify Forms with BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 9 - Uploading Files with VFileInput
New Animation Strategies in BVAD3
How to play Lottie files in Vuetify using BANanoVuetifyAD3
Creating a Chart in the Vuetify VBottomSheet with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Offline First NoSQL CRUD with CouchDB using BANanoVuetifyAD3
Adding Totals to VueTable / VDataTable +Sticky Headers
Dynamic Browser Titles using the Vue-Router in BANanoVuetifyAD3
Creating Round VCards
Creating Diamond, Square, Buttons with Images
Tree-Shaking your BVAD3 project with the BVAD3 Package Manager
MongoDB PHP CRUD with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Full Stack WebApp using MySQL, Java Jetty & Hikari Pooling (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MongoDB & Java Jetty (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & FireStore (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & MongoDB PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & MySQL PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & SQLite3 PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & IndexedDB
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & CouchDB
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, SQLite & Java Jetty (No Php)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MSSQL, Java Jetty & Hikari Pooling (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MSSQL PDO PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, PostGreSQL PDO PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & MSAccess PHP PDO
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MSAccess & Java Jetty (No PHP)
VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT - Fixing VueJS/JavaScript Memory Leaks (when end users press F5)
Improve accessibility of your app with Text2Speech with a single line of code.
Creating Multi-Language WebApps
Vuetable - Getting the ClickedRow / RightClickedRow / DoubleClickedRow
VueTable - Creating Expansion Panels
Creating PDF Reports with the Abstract Designer Drag n Drop
Creating CRUD based WebApps free eBook (for those in a hurry)
Embedding a Website inside your WebApp
Recap: Embedding a PDF document inside your WebApp
Runtime Manipulation of components in pgIndex from other pages
Adding a tour guide to your app using Enjoy Hint
VueTable Dynamic Columns At Runtime
Creating Steppers with Form Inputs
Creating Tabs with Form Inputs
Creating Expansion Panels with Form Inputs
QRCodes, BarCodes and Signatures
Customizing the Off & On Icons for v-checkbox and v-radiogroup
Creating VBtn(Icon) from VField
Adding a Prefix / Suffix in VFields
Creating a Mini Nav Drawer
Creating a ListView - Avatars
Creating a ListView - Other Item Variants
Creating a ListView - Preferences using left check boxes
Creating a ListView - Preferences using the Right Check Boxes
Creating a ListView - Using Left Switches
Creating a ListView - using Right Switches
BVAD3 Kitchen Sink Topic Search
Uploading Files to a folder of your choice and or rename the name of the uploaded file.
Creating colored chips using VChipGroup
Sending Emails via EmailJS REST API
Leaftlet Map - Click & MouseMove Events
House Rental
Organogram Lite
IoT (Internet of Things) Tracker
ICT Asset Manager
Cloud Inventory
Meal Prep
Nobel Peace Prize
Walts B4xGoodies Explorer
Projects Created with BANano
Introducing the BANanoDataSource with MySQL PHP
Work Offline with BANanoRelax - Sync with Server (see the CouchDB example above)
Encrypt & Decrypt Traffic between BVAD3 and MySQL PHP DB
Navigation Guards
Creating Desktop Apps using Electron
PHP File Management with BANano
Package Manager
Isiketshi (Sketch)
Responsive Email Framework
Deploy on Windows - HTTPS
Deploy on Windows - HTTP
Deploy on Netlify
Download & Run New Awesome Kitchen Sink
Downlod & Run New BANanoServer Awesome Kitchen Sink
Download Additional Libraries
Download BANanoVuetifyAD3Core Library OR Download BANanoVuetifyAD3 Library
Download Kitchen Sink WebApp (Optional - useful for Learning how this works)
Download BVAD3Builder (Optional - useful to trim your final package)
Download (All Source Code Related to this Series)
Getting Started (Video of Setting up your IDE - PLEASE FOLLOW THE GITHUB LINK ABOVE)
Forms (TL;DR)
Creating Forms with VFlexDialog (VDialog+VForm+VFields)
Video Lessons
00. Up and Running with BVAD3 in 5 minutes
01. Creating a Login Dialog
02. Creating input controls for the login dialog with validation
03. Getting the entered data i.e email and password, validating it, showing a loading button
04. Adding a background image for our page and hiding the navbar and drawer for until a user is authenticated.
05. Creating the back-end database and User Sign Up
06. User Sign Up and "Taken" User Profiles
07. User Sign Up
08. User Sign Out
09. Creating our own HTML tags i.e. Components
HIGHLIGHT!!!! - The New Form Builder
10. Creating Dialogs
11. Live Code Swapping / Hot Reload
12. VMsgBox Inputs & Prompts & Changing Button Labels @ runtime
13. Beginning Offline First WebApps
14. Creating a Text File NotePad (i.e reading text files)
15. Introducing the V-Data-Table (VueTable)
16. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - BindState Source Code Generation with the Kitchen Sink BindState Tool
17. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - A Time to Reflect
18. Mashy Teaches BANanoVuetifyAD3 : Creating a Data Table Invoice Listing using MySQL PHP
19. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - Basic Animations with BANanoAnimeJS
20: CRUD - Creating a Dialog Form to capture our Invoices - Part 1 [Lesson 18 - continuation]
21: CRUD - Creating a Dialog Form to capture our Invoices - Part 2
22: BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - The Awesome Beautiful Sweet Alerts
23: CRUD - Creating a Dialog Form to capture our Invoices - Part 3
24: Installing BVAD3 Class Templates
25. CRUD Page Template
26. Creating a simple chat bot
27. Mashy Teaches V-Label
28. BANanoVuetifyAD3 Rewind - Getting Started
29 The basics of creating Single Page Applications (SPAs)
... Export VueTable to PDF and Excel (with one liners)
Changing the WebApp Global Font
Handling UI Breakages on Page Refresh
Data-Table: Import CSV, Run Timers, Inline Editing & RealTime Updates, Export to Excel & PDF
V-Data-Table Exports Explained - PDF, Excel, CSV Exports
Updating our UI at run-time (using a single v-bind object) - a demo based on Alerts
Changing the look and feel of the scrollbars
Explaining the VList(View)
Vue Fetch HTTP Requests with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Vue Axios HTTP Requests with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 1
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 2
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 3
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 4
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 5
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 6
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 7 (JSON CRUD)
Creating Vuetify Forms using BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 8 (Styling VueTable)
Creating Vuetify Forms with BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Part 9 - Uploading Files with VFileInput
New Animation Strategies in BVAD3
How to play Lottie files in Vuetify using BANanoVuetifyAD3
Creating a Chart in the Vuetify VBottomSheet with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Offline First NoSQL CRUD with CouchDB using BANanoVuetifyAD3
Adding Totals to VueTable / VDataTable +Sticky Headers
Dynamic Browser Titles using the Vue-Router in BANanoVuetifyAD3
Creating Round VCards
Creating Diamond, Square, Buttons with Images
Tree-Shaking your BVAD3 project with the BVAD3 Package Manager
MongoDB PHP CRUD with BANanoVuetifyAD3
Full Stack WebApp using MySQL, Java Jetty & Hikari Pooling (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MongoDB & Java Jetty (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & FireStore (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & MongoDB PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & MySQL PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & SQLite3 PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & IndexedDB
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & CouchDB
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, SQLite & Java Jetty (No Php)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MSSQL, Java Jetty & Hikari Pooling (No PHP)
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MSSQL PDO PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, PostGreSQL PDO PHP
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify & MSAccess PHP PDO
Full Stack WebApp using Vuetify, MSAccess & Java Jetty (No PHP)
VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT - Fixing VueJS/JavaScript Memory Leaks (when end users press F5)
Improve accessibility of your app with Text2Speech with a single line of code.
Creating Multi-Language WebApps
Vuetable - Getting the ClickedRow / RightClickedRow / DoubleClickedRow
VueTable - Creating Expansion Panels
Creating PDF Reports with the Abstract Designer Drag n Drop
Creating CRUD based WebApps free eBook (for those in a hurry)
Embedding a Website inside your WebApp
Recap: Embedding a PDF document inside your WebApp
Runtime Manipulation of components in pgIndex from other pages
Adding a tour guide to your app using Enjoy Hint
VueTable Dynamic Columns At Runtime
Creating Steppers with Form Inputs
Creating Tabs with Form Inputs
Creating Expansion Panels with Form Inputs
QRCodes, BarCodes and Signatures
Customizing the Off & On Icons for v-checkbox and v-radiogroup
Creating VBtn(Icon) from VField
Adding a Prefix / Suffix in VFields
Creating a Mini Nav Drawer
Creating a ListView - Avatars
Creating a ListView - Other Item Variants
Creating a ListView - Preferences using left check boxes
Creating a ListView - Preferences using the Right Check Boxes
Creating a ListView - Using Left Switches
Creating a ListView - using Right Switches
BVAD3 Kitchen Sink Topic Search
Uploading Files to a folder of your choice and or rename the name of the uploaded file.
Creating colored chips using VChipGroup
Sending Emails via EmailJS REST API
Leaftlet Map - Click & MouseMove Events
Featured WebApps
Contacts Manager - BANanoServer + jRDC2House Rental
Organogram Lite
IoT (Internet of Things) Tracker
ICT Asset Manager
Cloud Inventory
Meal Prep
Nobel Peace Prize
Walts B4xGoodies Explorer
Projects Created with BANano
Introducing the BANanoDataSource with MySQL PHP
Work Offline with BANanoRelax - Sync with Server (see the CouchDB example above)
Encrypt & Decrypt Traffic between BVAD3 and MySQL PHP DB
Navigation Guards
Creating Desktop Apps using Electron
PHP File Management with BANano
Package Manager
Isiketshi (Sketch)
Responsive Email Framework
Deploy on Windows - HTTPS
Deploy on Windows - HTTP
Deploy on Netlify
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Downlod & Run New BANanoServer Awesome Kitchen Sink
[BANanoVuetifyAD3] Using a real device to debug your localhost running webapp
Hi there You are developing your app and want to see it running on your device instead of your machine from localhost. The easier method: 1. Enable hotspot on your phone. 2. Connect your PC to your phones hotspot. 3. Execute cmd > ipconfig > note the IP4 IP Address 4. Enter this IP address on...
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