Mediaplayer dosn't play mp3 from SDCard or inernal Memory


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Longtime User
i have posted this allready in the german forum, but no response. I have made a small modification to the Mediaplayer-Example, load an mp3 from SDCard or internal memory instead of midi from apk. This would not work. For example
Mediaplayer1.Load(File.DirRootExternal, "Name.mp3") gives Error: Prepare failed.:status=0x1.
Same Error when load from internal Memory.

MP3-File is on root of SDCard. Wenn load from apk it plays well. Also other players play it from SDCard. What could be wrong?

Basic4Android 1.2
Archos 70 Internet tablet 8 GB Flash


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Longtime User
The program does work, so there must be something else, probably the name of the file is not exactly the same. Check case.
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Longtime User
Thanks David,

now it works, but: it was'nt the filename. Documentation says:

The storage card root folder.

File.DirRootExternal returns: /mnt/storage

On my device (Archos 70 IT), when i check details with filemanager, it says path is "/mnt/storage/sdcard/name.mp3"

So on my device i had to add /sdcard to the path. Maby this is impotant because i can attach other devices via usb-adapter, for example a HD?
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