I'm using MediaView with success in my B4J application, using this:
but am not able to incorporate the MediaView UI controller provided in this link (generates either 'object not initialized' or ':
My code is below:
I added the initialize line (line # 5) merely to try to eliminate a 'Class instance was not initialized (mediaviewcontroller)' error.
But then I receive an "Interval must be larger than 0" error.
Is this possible to fix without using B4XPages? Ideas or alternative solution suggestions will be appreciated!
MediaView library
Sub Process_Globals Private fx As JFX Private MainForm As Form Dim mp As MediaPlayer Dim mv As MediaView Dim msgbox As Msgboxes End Sub Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String) msgbox.Show("put test.mp4 beside me(under objects)","info") MainForm = Form1...

but am not able to incorporate the MediaView UI controller provided in this link (generates either 'object not initialized' or ':
MediaView - video player
This library includes two custom views: MediaView and MediaViewController. MediaView can play local and remote videos and music. The native JavaFX MediaView doesn't include a controller interface. I've implemented one. You can use it or create your own. Tip: the controller code and layout are...

My code is below:
Private medvMP4 As MediaView
Private mediaViewController1 As MediaViewController
mediaViewController1.Initialize(Null, "mediaViewController")
medvMP4.Source = File.GetUri(strFileFolder, strFile & ".mp4")
I added the initialize line (line # 5) merely to try to eliminate a 'Class instance was not initialized (mediaviewcontroller)' error.
But then I receive an "Interval must be larger than 0" error.
Is this possible to fix without using B4XPages? Ideas or alternative solution suggestions will be appreciated!