B4J Library MemTypeChecker – 100% Reliable Image Validation (Magic Numbers + MIME + Decoding)

Author: Addo
Version: 1.0
Requires: Java 8+
Library Type: Java-based wrapper for B4J

MemTypeChecker is a 100% reliable image validation library for B4J. Unlike simple file extension checks, this library uses three levels of verification to ensure an uploaded file is a real image:

✅ Magic Number Check – Detects images based on their actual file signature.
✅ MIME Type Check – Uses Java's built-in Files.probeContentType().
✅ Image Decoding Test – Ensures the file is not corrupted by attempting to decode it.

This ensures hackers cannot bypass validation by renaming files like malware.exe → image.jpg! 🚀

🔹 Features

✔ Supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and WebP images.
✔ 100% built-in Java solutionno external dependencies.
✔ Works on Java 8 and above.
✔ Fast and efficient image verification.


' simply declare it
Dim checker As MemTypeChecker

' then use it
Log(checker.isValidImageMagicNumber(File.DirApp & "/tempUpload/2.gif"))

Get MIME Type of a File

Dim mime As String = checker.getMimeType(filePath)
Log("MIME Type: " & mime)

Check Only the Magic Number

If checker.IsValidImageMagicNumber(filePath) Then
    Log("File has a valid image signature!")
    Log("Invalid image signature!")
End If

Check If an Image Can Be Decoded
If checker.CanDecodeImage(filePath) Then
    Log("Image is readable!")
    Log("Image is corrupted or not an image!")
End If

🔹 How It Works Internally

1️⃣ Magic Number Check – Reads the first few bytes of the file and compares with known image signatures.
2️⃣ MIME Type Check – Uses Files.probeContentType() to verify the OS-reported MIME type.
3️⃣ Decode Image – Uses Java’s ImageIO.read() to confirm the file is truly an image.

🔹 Changelog

v1.0 (Initial Release)

  • Added magic number verification for JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WEBP.
  • Integrated Java MIME type detection.
  • Added image decoding validation using ImageIO.read().
I hope this can be useful to anyone were looking for similar approach in b4j. have a good day/evening everyone


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