B4J Library MemTypeChecker – 100% Reliable Image Validation (Magic Numbers + MIME + Decoding)

Author: Addo
Version: 1.0
Requires: Java 8+
Library Type: Java-based wrapper for B4J

MemTypeChecker is a 100% reliable image validation library for B4J. Unlike simple file extension checks, this library uses three levels of verification to ensure an uploaded file is a real image:

Magic Number Check – Detects images based on their actual file signature.
MIME Type Check – Uses Java's built-in Files.probeContentType().
Image Decoding Test – Ensures the file is not corrupted by attempting to decode it.

This ensures hackers cannot bypass validation by renaming files like malware.exe → image.jpg!


✔ Supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and WebP images.
✔ 100% built-in Java solutionno external dependencies.
✔ Works on Java 8 and above.
✔ Fast and efficient image verification.


' simply declare it
Dim checker As MemTypeChecker

' then use it
Log(checker.isValidImageMagicNumber(File.DirApp & "/tempUpload/2.gif"))

Get MIME Type of a File

Dim mime As String = checker.getMimeType(filePath)
Log("MIME Type: " & mime)

Check Only the Magic Number

If checker.IsValidImageMagicNumber(filePath) Then
    Log("File has a valid image signature!")
    Log("Invalid image signature!")
End If

Check If an Image Can Be Decoded
If checker.CanDecodeImage(filePath) Then
    Log("Image is readable!")
    Log("Image is corrupted or not an image!")
End If

How It Works Internally

Magic Number Check – Reads the first few bytes of the file and compares with known image signatures.
MIME Type Check – Uses Files.probeContentType() to verify the OS-reported MIME type.
Decode Image – Uses Java’s ImageIO.read() to confirm the file is truly an image.


v1.0 (Initial Release)

  • Added magic number verification for JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WEBP.
  • Integrated Java MIME type detection.
  • Added image decoding validation using ImageIO.read().
I hope this can be useful to anyone were looking for similar approach in b4j. have a good day/evening everyone


  • addoMemTypeChecker.zip
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