B4R Question Mqtt Broker on ESP8266 (IDE B4R not working) (Arduino IDE ok)


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Hi everyone
I've been trying to get it to work for days a mqtt broker on an esp8266 with #if C code and calling it with RunNative in B4R.
If I program the esp8266 with Arduino code everything works. I tried three different brokers with C code for arduino in B4R
I also created a b4r library b4xlib which I included both the connection station and the broker.
But after programming with B4R it doesn't work.
Log client B4J
(ConnectException) java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information
What I don't understand is why if I program it with arduino everything works,
while with B4R with arduino code in C and RunNative it doesn't work.
p.s. (I know I should be using Raspberry for this)

I found 2 forum threads about it


Thank you for help

I attach the files of the tests I did


  • B4RBroker.zip
    2.2 KB · Views: 192
  • ClientMqtt.zip
    3.4 KB · Views: 181
  • ArduinoCode.zip
    1 KB · Views: 200


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Yes, it works!!
Thank you very much @candide for your interest and help.
I tried the 2 B4R projects, (test_rsMQTTBroker_basic) it works, now the client connects.
I have to do more tests to send the commands, but it's already something great that you made it work thank you very much.
The other project (test_rsMQTTBroker) connects to the router and then the esp8266 goes into error and restarts.
p.s. I had already tried this library but with RunNative and it didn't work.
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after more tests done, this is the new version with some fix, i had issues with "std::string" strings.

now we have only one callback in case of connection lost, to make an action to recover the link and all others events are now only traces .
you can add or remove traces.

i tested transfer of message, it is working with simple topic ( i don't know if we have a limitation on the number of chars or on special chars)


  • rsMQTTBroker_v2.zip
    16.9 KB · Views: 185
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now we have only one callback in case of connection lost, to make an action to recover the link and all others events are now only traces .
you can add or remove traces.
hi candide,
I would like to ask you how do I add the event in B4R
Sub OnPublish(ClientID As ULong, Topic() As Byte, Payload() As Byte)
    Log("New Publish, ClientID: ",ClientID," Topic: ",Topic, " Payload: ", Payload)
End Sub
or replace it instead of OnLostConnection
I would like to make the esp8266 do some operations when a command arrives, as well as send a msg to the client
Thank you
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