B4J Question msgbox2 cuts text with ... using two CRLF's


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Today I've seen that longer messages displayed with msgbox2 are cut with ... when there are two following CRLF's. Is this a bug?

fx.Msgbox2(InvoicesForm,"Testtext asfjafja afajfaj adjadj adajjad jadjajdj adjajdjad adjajdj with double jajfasjs afjasfja jajfjasfj afjjsj afjsjfj afjsfj afjsjf afjjajf CRLF" & CRLF & CRLF & "Second line","Test","Ok","","",fx.MSGBOX_ERROR)



Active Member
Licensed User
It didn't happen in my case:

            fx.Msgbox2(Main.MainForm,"qsdg dg qsldkgj msqlgkjqsmdl gsqmdgl slmdgkjsmdl gqsdmlgk jqsmlgkj qmlsdjglskqdjg msldgkjms jqsd mqksdlg qlsdghkqsdjhg lqskdgjh sqldkjghslkqjgh qsdgkjhgkjlskdjh lsdkqjgh sdkjh CRLF" & CRLF & CRLF &   "2nd line.","test","OK","","",fx.MSGBOX_ERROR)
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