I am trying to copy some files from my app file.DirInternal to a user selected target folder (say Documents or Download or anything they can browse). apparently from some android versions on the DirInternal cannot be accessed by user if the app is installed under android/data.
I went trough Erel's below example but in this example the user selects a file while I would like the user to select the folder and then cycle the files I need to copy from the DirInternal to the selected folder.
thanks for your help.
I am trying to copy some files from my app file.DirInternal to a user selected target folder (say Documents or Download or anything they can browse). apparently from some android versions on the DirInternal cannot be accessed by user if the app is installed under android/data.
I went trough Erel's below example but in this example the user selects a file while I would like the user to select the folder and then cycle the files I need to copy from the DirInternal to the selected folder.
SaveAs - Let the user select a target folder + list of other related methods
B4A + B4i example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-texteditor-save-and-load-external-files.132731/#post-838166 List of classes or libraries that can be used to access secondary storages: ContentChooser (Phone libray) - allows the user to select a resource or file using external...

thanks for your help.