But for the created b4xlib, it is easy to modify if it is associated or can be opened with an b4x IDE. As it is dedicated to b4x solutions, every IDE (at least b4j, b4i and b4a) can open it. For now, to modify a b4xlib library (for example from the forum), I should extract it to a temporary folder, even if I can open it with an b4x ide, dependecies won't be automatically satisfied. I should create one project, add the file to the project, add libs, etc... and compress it again in a .b4xlib file.
I don't know for others but for me, it is easy to double click one b4xlib file in the Additionnal lib folder, modify it in a ide with all autocomplete and IDE features (designer for layout, etc), then save it. In another opened project, I refresh only libs list and work with the newly modified file.
May be for this feature, we need to have one more Path to be configured in each ide: Shared additional libs, Or... the current ide copy the lib in each b4x additional lib folders.