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MyMaterial.Show: What's New

1. Well a lot of things. First and foremost, there are some things that I will explain later about this tool, so to avoid any mishaps, you will get a jar from now and the mymaterial.b4j project as usual to test the functionality. Until I explain the new developments in the forum, unfortunately the source will be closed temporarily. Still, the jar file is not bundled with the ABMaterial Libraries.

2. My source code was getting bigger and some components just couldnt fit on a single screen. I didnt want to use a scrollview and I guessed one day it will take foreever to maintain the source code, so I came up with a propertyBag.

3. Therefore, besides the ABMContainer component here, the following components designers have been revampe, ABMNavigationBar, ABMGridRows, ABMContainer, ABMInput and ABMGridCells, Project and Pages designers. What does this mean? Instead of me opening up the view designer, finding the view, adding components to it and position them nicely, then generate elements, all I have to do is just type 1 single line of code then update my _render code. This will help with changes in ABMaterial components etc.

NB: This version has some incompatibilities with previous project databases. To fix that, open your project then goto Project > Upgrade, that will fix it.
To explain, maps are case sensitive and before I stored contents in map CaseInSensiTive format, that does not work with the revamped designer. So do that first or else you will see a lot of "nulls" on the generated source code.

New Project Designer: The Google Api key field has been added for the upcoming google maps designer..


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The FilePicker allows you to select an image for any of the controls for easier access. As earlier discussed, for MyMaterialShow, you need to import your Images, PDF, Audio files using the Resources > Audio or PDF or Images menus. This example below is for selecting an image for a page.

Below is a not so impressive background due to me having a switch control on the page..



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MyMaterial.Show: Creating ABMTabs, ABMTabPanels/Items & ABMContainers

I forget easily, so I'm also writing this for myself. I will try and explain this with the ABMTabs example as I had postponed that for a while due to the container designer delay in MyMaterial.Show.

Fire up a new page in Page > New Page, specify the nitty gritties, etc, here is an example.

Figure 1

Create a header for the page too, select the page then Components 2 > ABMNavigationBar

Figure 2

Next, lets specify the Grid definition for the page, select the page, then Components 3 > ABMGridRows, we will add 2 rows with AddRows to the page.

Figure 3

Note that the Parent ID here is blank, these rows will be linked to that page and not to any other component in that page. Next let's add the Columns/Cells for this row. Note our Component ID, we will need to refer to that when creating our columns as it will create the relationship between the row and the columns.

Figure 4

For this row identifier we will add 1 column using the AddCells12 method. Remember this spans the column 12 spaces wide. Our grid definition will basically be this..

page.AddRows(2, True, "").AddCells12(1, "")

Now we are done creating our page, next we will add an ABMTab, its child panels and containers.


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This is a continuation of post #127.

Select the page, goto Components 2 > ABMTabs

Figure 1

Note the theme here, here is its design. This tab will be placed in Row 2 and Cell 1 of our page.

Figure 2

Now, its time to create the panel for the tab.

Select the page, Components 2 > ABMTabsPanel

Figure 3. You will come back to this screen and link the container we will create.

Note the parent tab, a relationship has been established with that now. As the tab page container has not been created yet, that will be blank, save the tab.

Now lets create our container.

Figure 4

The container Parent ID is the previously tab panel we created. There are different ways to initialize a container like initializeanimated and initializecollapsable, havent played with that yet, soon though.

So far we have linked the tabs, the tab, the container etc using the Parent ID properties It's time to create what will be in the container, lets pick a table.

Figure 5

If you have already created a table somewhere, you can select it go to Maintain, select copy and then paste it to the page. Dont forget the table columns. Note the parent id of this table, its the container id we just added, also ensure you have that link.

Figure 6.

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Whoohah!! a container has a grid definition!!!

Select the page, goto Components 3 > ABMGridRows, select the parent id as the name of the container you created.

Figure 1

This container will have 1 row and now lets define the columns. Components 3 > ABMGridCells

Figure 2

Note the parent id, linking to the GridRow previously created. I think we are done. When you select the ABMTabs you created, it should look something like this on the Create Page.

Dim tab1 As ABMTabs
tab1.Initialize(page, "tab1", "tabsgreen")
Dim tabscontainer As ABMContainer
tabscontainer.Initialize(page, "tabscontainer", "")
tabscontainer.AddRows(1, True, "").AddCells12(1, "")
tabscontainer.BuildGrid 'IMPORTANT once you loaded the complete grid AND before you start adding components
Dim ABMTable658 As ABMTable
ABMTable658.Initialize(page, "ABMTable658", True, False, True, "tbl1theme")
ABMTable658.IsBordered = True
ABMTable658.IsResponsive = True
ABMTable658.IsScrollable = False
ABMTable658.IgnoreFormattingCodes = False
ABMTable658.SetHeaders(Array As String("ID", "Open", "Last Name", "First Name"))
ABMTable658.SetHeaderThemes(Array As String("headerfooter", "headerfooter", "headerfooter", "headerfooter"))
ABMTable658.SetHeaderHeights(Array As Int(0, 48, 0, 0))
ABMTable658.SetColumnVisible(Array As Boolean(False, True, True, True))
ABMTable658.SetColumnSortable(Array As Boolean(False, False, True, True))
ABMTable658.SetColumnDataFields(Array As String("", "", "", ""))
ABMTable658.SetFooter("This footer appears at the bottom of the table", 12, "")

tab1.AddTab("tabpanel1", "TAB 1", tabscontainer, 3, 3, 3, 12, 12, 12, True, False, "fa fa-adjust")

Ohh, go back to the tabs panel and link its "Tab Page Container" property.


Anything without a parent id will be rendered to the page:
Anything with a parent id will be rendered to the parent id:


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MyMaterial.Show: What's New

Well, bye bye Component 1, Component 2 and Component 3 menus, welcome "Component Creator"

How to use?

Select the page you want to process, expand Component Creator and select the component to add to the page. Feed in the properties you want and save then continue to the next component.


Well, I figured that soon enough I will have to search for components over and over again. This is easier and a whole lot faster. Enjoy.

Figure 1



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MyMaterial.Show: What's New (Footers, things in footers, automatic component creation based on options, minor bug fixes etc)

At the moment, the page footer from the demo is based on two columns, I used the same approach here as I dont foresee myself doing much changes to my footers except adding SocialShare etc. So we use row 1 column 1 and row 1 column 2 anyways.

From the previous posts, each component was added a Parent ID to specify the ParentChild relationship within MyMaterial.Show. I have just added a parent called page.Footer in the dropdowns so that one can just select that parent to indicate that the component being created must reside in the footer. Of course you will indicate the RC coordinates.

This meant that I needed to do some new changes to the structure of MyMaterial.Show for some screen, here we go.

Some nice output displayed with the Ripple Emulator inside Chrome..

Looking at this screen, we have top items, a footer with some buttons and social share, the navigation bar is hidden using the constand, ...ALWAYSHIDE.

What I did... from the project definition I added a few things...

From here the left and right footer contents was specified. This footer content is global however you can indicate whether you want a footer on each page by just checking a checkbox. I also added the definition for the icons that appear on the webpage, the apple touch icon etc.

On the page definition, there are some automatic component creation options that one can play with. When creating a page, one can

1. Indicate if the page will have a navigation bar, the title of the navigation bar, the top items that will be in that navigation bar e.g. Sign In, Sign Up, Sign Out, Back etc.
2. Indicate if the page will have a footer, whether the footer is fixed etc.

When you create a new page, you can check the options (explained in green above) for the automatic creation of the child components for these pages. For the ActionButton, I intend to add child buttons for crud functionality. By default, when you specify the number of rows, a grid is created for your new page. You can play around. I have noted that it's better to Fix the footer as in my desktop it just sat in the middle of the screen.



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MyMaterial.Show: What's New: ABMButton definition

Due to buttons that can be placed in other containers e.g. footers etc, the button definition had to be updated, especially when the button is linked to an action button. From now on, you need to indicate that the button is an actionbutton button. For example below, the button btn766 will sit in the footer, as the parent id can be an action button component, I have unchecked "Parent Is Action Button" because it will be a footer for that page.

If the parent would be an action button, I would have checked that to make it a link. There is nothing else to change.


Gianni M

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your MyMaterialShow.jar on dropbox crash ... maybe update libraries?


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