Share My Creation Pen&Paper: PWCT for Basic ABMaterial WebApps

Pen&Paper Explained.png

The intension of Pen & Paper is the creation of ABMaterial WebApps as depicted in the drawing above. This was developed as a pet project out of a personal need to create ABMaterial WebApps. So far everything has gone well with the outputs.

1. The ABMaterial Library comes out with an XML file that has vast information about the components (depicted as classed) including their properties (attributes), events and methods. Any Library viewer is able to access these too.
2. These classes are represented as property bags in Pen & Paper so that I can create any component by just changing the various attributes, whether true/false, specifying text etc. The way the components are built, initialized and added to pages/containers/modal sheets has been explained in detail in the ABMaterial Demo, where all of this started.
3&4. On creating an ABM project with Pen & Paper, two databases are created, one to store the project definition (pages and component structures i.e. propertybags) and the other a production one that the data will be stored in. These are both in SQLite. Pen & Paper has functionality to perform a DAO (Data Access Object) link for each backend table and fields you want to link a component to. This is essence creates a CRUD code base. This was inspired by the ABMCRUD generator that produces a structure of ones ABMTable and ABMModal sheet with the specific input components.
5. On Project Build, Pen & Paper produces a complete B4J application including the source code that can be compiled to generate a working version of an ABM Web Application.
6. Pen & Paper does not come bundled with ABMaterial, is not affiliated with ABMaterial and to compile any Pen & Paper project to a fully fledged working ABM Webapp, you need the ABM Libraries. It is just a helper tool to elimitate the repetitive nature of creating projects, pages, containers, modalsheets, etc, in a programming without coding technology fashion. It does NOT in anyway replace ABM or intends to replicate its functionality as it just generates B4J code for your ABM application, this being achieved by use of property bags to create your components and generate the respective source code based on your options, eliminating the need to type code and what anyone gets out is the basic stuff to make ones project work. Not everything ABM is here anyway.

As everything that has a beginning has an end. This personal enjoyment project will stop being maintained as other things will evolve. As on 31 March 2018, there is no intention to advance this any further than what it is. Thanks for B4J this project was possible.

Steps in using Pen & Paper
  • Get everything related to Pen&Paper from this DropBox Link. Get executable from jar folder.
  • See videos below on usage and related articles
  • Please note that not all ABM components are covered with Pen&Paper as yet.

2018 Tutorials

Creating a Sign In Modal Dialog with Options

Interesting Tutorials

Creating a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 1
Creating a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 2
Creating a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 3

Below are some of the articles touching on code generated by Pen&Paper.

ABMaterial WebApps created with Pen&Paper


CodeProject Article

Creating the Bible.Show WebApp with ABMaterial

Some YouTube Links

Pen&Paper is built using B4J and distributed with jMashProjectProfile.

NB: You will need the ABMaterial Framework to compile the generated source code.


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Which database are you using as a backend? I assume MySQL. I'm not sure if the "pragma table_info" works with MySQL, you might have to migrate your db to SQLite and then in the project properties choose SQLite and the database location, do Database > Test Connect and opt to document your database. Currently the way I am developing my projects is using SQLite first and then when I deploy, just change the database connection string to MySQL in my project properties, do a database, test connection and run the project.

I will also ensure that I trap this error on my side, thanks, I wouldnt have found this out..

Well I needed an easy way out, its an evolving project. ta!;)


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Which database are you using as a backend? I assume MySQL. I'm not sure if the "pragma table_info" works with MySQL, you might have to migrate your db to SQLite and then in the project properties choose SQLite and the database location, do Database > Test Connect and opt to document your database. Currently the way I am developing my projects is using SQLite first and then when I deploy, just change the database connection string to MySQL in my project properties, do a database, test connection and run the project.

I will also ensure that I trap this error on my side, thanks, I wouldnt have found this out..

Well I needed an easy way out, its an evolving project. ta!;)

Hi. Yes, my database is MySQL. MyMaterial import the database tables information without issues. The error is only when i click a table mane.



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What's New


Dropbox Folder

1. Revamped the ABMImage designer. Learned: To align images inside a cell use the CellTheme.
2. Added _Computed function for ABMInput and ABMImages designers, your images are changed depending on variables you pass.
3. Added _Compute function for the ABMPage, before a record is shown/saved this code runs. Computed components can be/ cannot be saved to a database depending on your preference.
4. Revamped again the functionality of the ABMInput designer for computations etc.

ABMImage Designer




Computations: These are executed after the record is read from the db and before it is also saved. Computed fields can be saved/not saved depending on whether you opt to Use on AddUpdate.



As an example above, the value of the AprVar field is computed using AprProj and AprAct. Then the value of AprImg is determined by passing the AprVar value previously saved. It's important that the TabOrder is fixed properly here so that whatever should be calculated first is done before its processed.

As an output, here is an example of my screen. I'm not using a table but just ABMInputs and Images and Labels here. I have a side bar that have custom components, each time a record is selected, its read and displayed on the page and the computations happen in real time. I decided on this approach to have to avoid having to click on a button after the content is displayed. The nice part is that code is also broken down into small managable chunks.

Example output..


Variance = Projections Less Expenditure
EOU (EqualOverUnder) are stored ../imaged/ that are returned from an ABMShared imaged I have added..

Public Sub UpDownSame(variance As String) As String
    If variance < 0 Then Return "../images/up.png"
    If variance > 0 Then Return "../images/down.png"
    If variance = 0 Then Return "../images/same.png"
    Return ""
End Sub

Percentage Change is percentage change between projections and expenditure, also to add my own tolerance levels via a computation. This is becoming very interesting.

By the way, is there an easier way to learn the ABMChart, I'm finding it very intimidating?


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MyMaterial 2:

Added functionality on the Project Definition to add code that will be appended to the ABMShared module. You can paste the code that you want to share across all modules here. Select the first tree item (your project name) and click the ABMShared code.


As an example the KPIFinder is a method that I want to run whenever I read a record from the database to return an image that I need to return depending on the value of some field.

I have defined ABMImages components like this...

 Dim AugImg As ABMImage
    AugImg.Initialize(page, "AugImg", "../images/orange.png", 1)
    AugImg.IsResponsive = False
    AugImg.IsCircular = False
    AugImg.IsClickable = False
    AugImg.IsMaterialBoxed = False

Dim AugKPI As ABMImage
    AugKPI.Initialize(page, "AugKPI", "../images/orange.png", 1)
    AugKPI.IsResponsive = False
    AugKPI.IsCircular = False
    AugKPI.IsClickable = False
    AugKPI.IsMaterialBoxed = False

When both Images are initialized, they have an orange.png assigned to them. When I want to update them based on the computed images... I get them from the form...

Dim AugImg As ABMImage = page.Component("AugImg")
Dim AugKPI As ABMImage = page.Component("AugKPI")

The AugImg depends on the variance field, if the variance between projections and expenditure is positive, we have an under-expenditure, thus a green image, else we have a red arrow, if both are the same we have an arrow pointing to the right. So I need to read the variance field first. In my case as the variance i.e. projections less expenditure can be saved in a table, I just run a query to update the field and then read it..

To refresh the Image, I run..

Dim augChange as string = pMap.get("augchange")
Dim AugKPIContents As String = KpiChange(augChange)
AugKPI.Source = AugKPIContents

The pMap variable being a table record that stores the current record I'm using. The commands for all the records are..

sqlCommands.add("update iymanalysisset set augvar = augproj - augact")
sqlCommands.add("update iymanalysisset set augimg = '../images/up.png' where augvar < 0")
sqlCommands.add("update iymanalysisset set augimg = '../images/down.png' where augvar > 0")
sqlCommands.add("update iymanalysisset set augimg = '../images/same.png' where augvar = 0")

As the KPIImage is rather tricky, I needed a method to return the appropriate image using Computed fields. The end result is based on the percentage change variable. So, these are the steps.

1. Read the record, assign it to a map e.g. pMap
2. Get the value of the change e.g. augchange
3. Get the output image by passing augchange to KpiFinder e.g. Dim augKPI as String = KPIFinder(augchange)
4. Assign the kpi to the image object.

Public Sub KpiFinder(value as string) As String
value = round(value)
value = abs(value)
if value <= 5 then return "../images/green.png"
if (value > 5) and (value <= 10) then return "../images/amber.png"
return "../images/red.png"
End Sub

That is how your computed field values work. You can also do the same for records to be saved to the database, by assigning them a result of a formular/method that you run before they get saved.


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MyMaterial 2: Continued.

Dynamic Loading ABMSideBar component items.

I recently wrote a post here about how this was done. That post shared the code portion of this exercise. This is how I did with inside MyMaterial.Show.

1. I had created my page... (Select the page)
2. In the page I added a ABMSideBarItem (Select Designer, Components, ABMSideBarItem)


3. I entered the properties as required. As this item uses a custom component, I checked that this component needs to be built.
4. These contents are to be based on a table, I selected the table from the list
5. I specified the query to use to return the results, in this case we want the year column to be returned.
6. As each record in the table has to be referenced, the primary key field was assigned to the Year column for this choice.


For my custom side bar components, the title and description are required. In this case we only want the title to be sourced from the Year field, so only that is provided. This then generates this following code...

Private Sub RefreshOnLoad_programme()
    'We will create each side bar needed on the load
    'Define list to store the results of the query
    Dim results As List
    Dim resCnt As Int
    Dim resTot As Int
    Dim resMap As Map
    Dim sTitles As StringBuilder
    Dim sDescriptions As StringBuilder
    'We have titles, description and image
    'variable to hold the primary key
    Dim strYear As String
    'variables to title fields
    Dim strYear As String
    'Get connection from current pool if MySQL/MSSQL
    Dim SQL As SQL = ABMShared.SQLGet
    'Get the records as a list of maps from the db
    results = ABMShared.SQLExecuteMaps(SQL,"select distinct Year from IYMAnalysisSet order by Year Desc", Null)
    'Close the connection to the database
    'Loop throught each record read and process it
    resTot = results.size - 1
    For resCnt = 0 To resTot
        'Initialize the titles and descriptions and define them
        'Get the record map
        resMap = results.get(resCnt)
        'process the primary key fields
        strYear = resMap.get("year")
        'Save record offline
        Dim resJSON As String = ABMShared.Map2Json(resMap)
        ABMShared.SessionStorageSave(page, strYear, resJSON)
        strYear = strYear.Replace(CRLF,"{BR}")
        'process the title fields
        strYear = resMap.get("year")
        strYear = strYear.Replace(CRLF,"{BR}")
        'add the item to the ABMSideBarItem
        page.NavigationBar.AddSideBarComponent(strYear, ABMShared.BuildSideBarComponent(page, strYear, "../images/trends.png", sTitles.ToString, sDescriptions.ToString),"../frmIYMExpenditurePerProgramme/frmIYMExpenditurePerProgramme.html")
End Sub


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MyMaterial 2: Continued

Dynamic Charts

This version of MyMaterial.Show includes the SyncfusionChart charting components. My article here was the output of what I will detail here. To add a SyncfusionChart component to your page...

1. Create the page
2. Add the SyncfusionChart component (select page, goto Designers > Components > SyncfusionChart)


Provide the relevant information for the chart... Each time the chart is drawn, I want each record to be recomputed using the ABMShared.IYMAnalysisSet_Compute method. This is part of the code I saved in my project ABMShared tab and this code is shared accross the app.

Specify the axis, and other details... In my article I indicated how this information is sourced from a db table, the next portion of the screen is where you indicate the datasource.


You provide the table name, the primary key. This primary key is the same as the primary key for the sidebaritem, by doing this we are creating a link between the sidebar item and the chart. We then specify the select query to use for the chart details and also an arguement to pass. Arguements passed with MyMaterial.Show are all read from session storage, after another methods writes them there initially.

As these are custom components and need to be accessed from Global variables on the page, we need to tell the page that we are using these components. Then select your page component and then check Use SyncfusionChart.


Now, specifiying the series for the chart. Before that is done, we need to ensure that our query is correct by running a test. Go back to the SyncfusionChart component and select the records Tab and select the Run > button.


The "Records" section should show the column names. If not then your SQL query was incorrect. To make this work you should have done Database Connection and Documentation so that MyMaterial.Show knows the datasources to work with.

The next step then is the series data as depicted below.


You can have a multiple of series in your chart. Series 1 above here is based on multiple records from the database that will be based on the year, the series name is sourced from the ProgrammeName, it needs to be a line chart per programme, with a circle marker shape, the field names to plot and their Labels, i.e headers.

The code generated by this will sit on ConnectPage....

'add components for the page
    chart1.Initialize(page, "chart1")
    chart1.Title = "In Year Monitoring"
    chart1.XAxisTitle = "Month"
    chart1.YAxisTitle = "Millions of Rands"
    chart1.YAxisLabelFormat = "R{value}M"
    chart1.YAxisLabelFormatLocale = True
    chart1.LegendTitle = "YTD Expenditure Analysis"
    chart1.LegendVisible = True
    chart1.LegendPosition = chart1.EnumLegendPosition.bottom
    chart1.EnableZooming = False
    chart1.enableCanvasRendering = False
    chart1.toolTipInitialize = True
    chart1.SubTitle = "Year"
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.markershape = "circle"
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.stype = chart1.EnumType.spline
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.FillColor = "lightblue"
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.EnableAnimation = True
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.markerdatalabelsvisible = False
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.MarkerVisible = True
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.ToolTipVisible = True
    chart1.CommonSeriesOptions.Width = 3

and then the RefreshOnLoad_chart1(chart1) method, will be called..

'Refresh the contents of an SyncfusionChart in runtime
Private Sub RefreshOnLoad_chart1(ochart1 As SyncfusionChart)
    'Define list to store the results of the query
    Dim results As List
    Dim resCnt As Int
    Dim resTot As Int
    Dim resMap As Map
    'Read arguments from LocalStorage (if any)
    Dim Year As String = ABMShared.SessionStorageRead(page, "Year")
    'The record has session storage, process them...
    'Get the current record id from the session
    Dim RecordID As String = ABMShared.SessionStorageRead(page, "id")
    'A different primary key has been specified.
    RecordID = ABMShared.SessionStorageRead(page, "Year")
    'Get the record linked to this record id
    Dim RecordJSON As String = ABMShared.SessionStorageRead(page, RecordID)
    'Convert this record to a map from json
    Dim RecordMap As Map = ABMShared.Json2Map(RecordJSON)
    Dim subTitle As StringBuilder
    Dim Year As String = RecordMap.getDefault("year","")
    subTitle.append(" ")
    ochart1.SubTitle = subTitle.ToString.Trim
    'Get connection from current pool if MySQL/MSSQL
    Dim SQL As SQL = ABMShared.SQLGet
    'Get the records as a list of maps from the db
    results = ABMShared.SQLExecuteMaps(SQL,"select AprAcc,MayAcc,JunAcc,JulAcc,AugAcc,SepAcc,OctAcc,NovAcc,DecAcc,JanAcc,FebAcc,MarAcc,[year],ProgrammeName from IYMAnalysisSet join ProgrammesSet on IYMAnalysisSet.IYMAnalysis_Programmes = where IYMAnalysisSet.Year = ?", Array As String(Year))
    'Close the connection to the database
    'Loop throught each record read and process it
    resTot = results.size - 1
    For resCnt = 0 To resTot
        'Get the record map
        resMap = results.get(resCnt)
        resMap = ABMShared.IYMAnalysisSet_Compute(resMap)
        'create the series Actual
        Dim ser01 As SeriesObj
        ser01.stype = ochart1.EnumType.line = resMap.GetDefault("programmename","")
        ser01.tooltipvisible = True
        ser01.width = 3
        ser01.EnableAnimation = True
        ser01.markershape = "circle"
        ser01.MarkerVisible = True
        ser01.markerdatalabelsvisible = False
        'Read the fields to draw...
        Dim AprAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("apracc", "0")
        Dim MayAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("mayacc", "0")
        Dim JunAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("junacc", "0")
        Dim JulAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("julacc", "0")
        Dim AugAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("augacc", "0")
        Dim SepAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("sepacc", "0")
        Dim OctAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("octacc", "0")
        Dim NovAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("novacc", "0")
        Dim DecAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("decacc", "0")
        Dim JanAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("janacc", "0")
        Dim FebAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("febacc", "0")
        Dim MarAcc As String = resMap.GetDefault("maracc", "0")
        'Add data to the chart
End Sub

From above, as long as the query string for your data is correct, you can draw any chart you want..

PS: You might have noted that the field names in the designer and the output code are different. It's a mix of code for another page and designer input for another page. In my app, I used the same approach to draw 8 different charts using different sets of data.


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MyMaterial 2: Continued.

Excel Reporting

My article about using Excel as a reporting engine bears reference. As you will note, the same approach here about the charts, sidebaritems will be followed. We create an ExcelReport component, specify the template file to use for the output, the table to source the information from and the fields to draw out on the excel workbook.

1. As explained in the article, you will have to create your Excel Template first. You can also add charts to it based on your data.
2. Select your page and add an ExcelReport component from the Designers.


We give the report a title to differentiate it from the others, and select the template file to use. All templates selected are automatically added to the server folder to publish. Also here we want the records to be processed with IYMAnalysis_Set, you can leave this blank if you dont need it. Here we need to indicate the starting row to start writing records at and the starting column. We specify which table to source the records from and the query to run.

Again, here the arguements is the Year, derived from the saved session variable that was saved from the SideBarItem selection. The next section then is definition of the fields to report on.

The columns Tab of the ExcelReport component holds all the sequences of the fields.

IMPORTANT: The order of the fields here follow the order of the columns in the template, thus the use of 01, 02 etc for the ids.


Also the column types are important here. The monetary columns should be numeric. In this case, this column has a formula at the bottom and if there is no value read from the table, use a zero (0). After all is done, this component design generates this code for the report.

Private Sub ExcelReport_ME()
Dim sOriginalTitle As String = "Actual Monthly Expenditure Analysis"
    Dim sTitle As String = sOriginalTitle.Replace(" ","")
    Dim startRow As Int = 3 - 1
    Dim startCell As Int = 1 - 1
    Dim endCell As Int = 0
    Dim hasFormula As Boolean = True
    Dim protectWB As Boolean = False
    Dim projectPWD As String = "drpw"
    Dim qry As String = "select ProgrammeName,AprAct,MayAct,JunAct,JulAct,AugAct,SepAct,OctAct,NovAct,DecAct,JanAct,FebAct,MarAct,Actual from IYMAnalysisSet join ProgrammesSet on IYMAnalysisSet.IYMAnalysis_Programmes = where IYMAnalysisSet.IsSum = 0 and IYMAnalysisSet.Year = ?"
    Dim resTot As Int
    Dim sTemplate As String = "iym_me.xlsx"
    Dim resCnt As Int
    Dim results As List
    Dim resMap As Map
'Read arguments from LocalStorage (if any)
Dim Year As String = ABMShared.SessionStorageRead(page, "Year")

Dim sProgrammeName As String
Dim sAprAct As String
Dim sMayAct As String
Dim sJunAct As String
Dim sJulAct As String
Dim sAugAct As String
Dim sSepAct As String
Dim sOctAct As String
Dim sNovAct As String
Dim sDecAct As String
Dim sJanAct As String
Dim sFebAct As String
Dim sMarAct As String
Dim sActual As String
'The number of columns to generate
endCell = 13
'start processing the workbook
    Dim wb As PoiWorkbook
    'initialize an existing workbook
    'get the firstsheet in the workbook
    Dim wSheet As PoiSheet = wb.GetSheet(0)
    Dim wsrow As PoiRow
    Dim wsCell As PoiCell
    Dim cellCnt As Int
'Get connection from current pool if MySQL/MSSQL
Dim SQL As SQL = ABMShared.SQLGet
'Get the records as a list of maps from the db
results = ABMShared.SQLExecuteMaps(SQL, qry, Array As String(Year))
'Close the connection to the database
'Loop throught each record read and process it
resTot = results.size - 1
For resCnt = 0 to resTot
'Get the record map
resMap = results.get(resCnt)
resMap = ABMShared.IYMAnalysisSet_Compute(resMap)
sProgrammeName = resMap.GetDefault("programmename","")
sAprAct = resMap.GetDefault("apract","0")
sMayAct = resMap.GetDefault("mayact","0")
sJunAct = resMap.GetDefault("junact","0")
sJulAct = resMap.GetDefault("julact","0")
sAugAct = resMap.GetDefault("augact","0")
sSepAct = resMap.GetDefault("sepact","0")
sOctAct = resMap.GetDefault("octact","0")
sNovAct = resMap.GetDefault("novact","0")
sDecAct = resMap.GetDefault("decact","0")
sJanAct = resMap.GetDefault("janact","0")
sFebAct = resMap.GetDefault("febact","0")
sMarAct = resMap.GetDefault("maract","0")
sActual = resMap.GetDefault("actual","0")
Dim lstFlds As List
'get the excel row
wsrow = wSheet.GetRow(StartRow)
'initialize it, there are existing rows in the file
wsrow.IsInitialized'get the excel columns
For cellCnt = startCell To endCell
Select Case cellCnt
Case 0
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueString = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 1
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 2
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 3
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 4
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 5
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 6
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 7
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 8
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 9
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 10
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 11
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 12
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
Case 13
wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt).ValueNumeric = lstFlds.Get(cellCnt)
End Select
StartRow = StartRow + 1
If hasFormula = True Then
        'we have formulars
        Dim lastRow As Int = wSheet.LastRowNumber - 1
        'get the last row
        wsrow = wSheet.GetRow(lastRow)
        For cellCnt = startCell To endCell
            Select Case cellCnt
            Case 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
                'get the cell in question
                wsCell = wsrow.GetCell(cellCnt)
                wsCell.ValueFormula = wsCell.ValueFormula
            End Select
    End If
'protect the sheet
    If protectWB = True Then
        Dim stSecret As String = projectPWD
            Dim jo As JavaObject = ws
            jo.RunMethod("protectSheet",Array As Object(stSecret))
    End If
    'Creating an unique date and time stamp as part of the filename.
    DateTime.DateFormat= "yyyy-MM-dd"
    Dim stDateTime As String ="_" & DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now) & "_" & DateTime.Time(
    Dim outFileName As String = sOriginalTitle & stDateTime & ".xlsx"
    'save the file in the reports folder
    Dim fPath As String = File.Combine(File.DirApp,"www/" & ABMShared.AppName.tolowercase & "/reports")
    wb.Save(fPath, outFileName)
    ' we want to execute a download of the file, open the document in a new browser tab
    Dim pgLink As String = "../reports/" & outFileName
    If ws.Open Then
        'force a download of the document
        ws.Eval("[0],'_blank');", Array As Object(pgLink))             
    End If
End Sub
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MyMaterial In Action - Part 1

This video demonstrates the link between a sqlite database and and how that is used to create table for data entry.

This part just ends after the project is compiled but before it can be compiled and viewed on the browser, more videos are coming.
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What's New: 24/03/2017


1. The Database Documentor (SQLite ONLY) has been updated. This means the fields are now table specific and not selectable anymore in the treeview. This needed to be done for more control as this app just got too busy. So to avoid any confusion, when a table is selected from the treeview, the "Fields" and their properties are now on the right side of the screen in the second tab.

2. This "Fields" tab enables one to add, update and delete fields from the underlying database table. ONLY SQLite is currently supported with this.

3. Please ensure that when you use this version, you run the database documentor. On the menu...
3.1 Select Database
3.2 Select Test Connection
3.3 Click Ok
3.4. Confirm with Yes when asked to document your database.
3.5 When the process is done, a notification, (bottom right of screen will indicate)

Figure 1


Figure 2


NB: This does not change/create any primary key or set NOT NULL.
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SideBarItems can be created per page so that each page can have different sidebaritems. I wanted a quicker way of adding multiple sidebar items per page and also these could be copied to other pages. So I have added a Side Navigation Tab on the page so that multiple side bar items can be configured per page and added. As soon as the page is added, the respective individual components are created.

Figure 1


Figure 2: Example



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What's New: AMPaperGrid to view your 12x12 Large Grid

As part of I helping myself develop ABMaterial webapps, I have included the AMPaperGrid as discussed in this article in the upcoming MyMaterial.Show version. With this I am able to see which controls are misplaced where some will actually sit. As my current apps are based on desktop apps, so the limitation here is the LARGE view also on a 12x12 grid and nothing else. This grid here is built around how MyMaterial works as its a helper inside MyMaterial.Show.

The grid view is currently at Page and ModalSheet level and Container greed view will be added.

PageGrid.png ModalSheetGrid.png


Licensed User
Longtime User
Updates to MyMaterial.Show


1. Theme Documentation within this dropbox folder has been updated to include the latest themes.
2. The Projects in this DropBox folder now includes the source code for the BibleShow WebApp. bibleshow2.db is the mymaterial project database whilst bibleshow.db is the underlying database for the bible.
3. Fixed some minor bugs in MyMaterial.Show code generation.
4. Open and Upgrade and Compile your projects to use this version.
5. The AMPaperGrid to view your 12x12 grids has been included. This is just for viewing MyMaterial.Show grids and nothing else.


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Longtime User
What's New: 08 April 2017

Wow, time flies, it's my bday next saturday, 15th April, and now that I'm thinking about it, one of the best events of my life has been discovering ABMaterial.

Anyway, MyMaterial.Show now includes functionality for those nice loaders that alwaysbusy created. Sooo sooo cool. You set these from the project properties, save your project and then from the Loader tab, set the respective properties as per Figure 2 below. Leaving the Loading Method blank will use the default spinning color coded circles.

This version also comes up with the JustGauge Custom Component as discussed here, see Figure 3 for the definition...

Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3

As always, this is drop boxed here...

This hex to rgb site was found to be useful too...
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Longtime User
What's New: 26-04-2017

Get MyMaterial.Show

A code snippetting feature has been added to MyMaterial.Show. This enables one to add some source code on their pages when they are creating apps inside Watch this video in HD mode...

1. The Side Menu refresh code has been updated, this was buggy.
2. The SideNavigation functionality at the Page level has been updated. This now ensures that any sidebars in the page are updated properly.
3. ModalSheet generation via internal ABMGenerator: this has been fixed to ensure that modal sheet components are created properly.
4. Fixed the location of the ABMShared<Page>_Sum functionality on the code, this was buggy.
5. Fixed the code formatting. All blank lines are removed and case statement formatting working properly.
6. The static top buttons coloured to white.
7. Removed SessionCreator module inclusion for project template.
8. There is a known grid generation statements redudancy.
9. Pages that 'Need Authorization' and should display on SideBarMenu links, their SideBarMenu links only show when a user is Signed In.
10. Changes to the grid for modal sheets persist the changes.

Things I want to remember

1. Remember to PadLeft 10 and TopMargin of 14 for checkboxes.
2. Remember to copymewithjar.needs all the time on upload.
3. Remember for SideBar, better to show this for desktop apps and hide for small devices
4. Remember to simplify webapp navigation as possible for more user friendly experience.


Licensed User
Longtime User
What's Coming...

1. The ABMSwitch and ABMUpload code designers have been revamped to follow the current structure of the designers.

ABMUpload.png ABMSwitch.png

2. A generic Excel Importer has been added to help creating code to import stuff from MS Excel, see this post. Inside MyMaterial, you define an ExcelImporter, the target tables, template and columns to import.

ExcelImporter.png ExcelImporter1.png ExcelImporter2.png

3. Access control functionality has been added to easily create permission based pages for your app.

AccessControl.png permissions.png

Pages that need authorization i.e will use CRUD permissions have a lock icon.
In-activave pages are red texted, these are pages that will not form part of the final app. i.e. work in progress or other modules that will be included later in your app. This also generates the needed code for CRUD permissions per page and will add the respective permissions for your app CRUD based permissions. This was discussed in this post.

4. Added Load On Demand for Page components. Page components are now loaded only when the page is selected on the tree.
5. The built in ABMGenerator has an option to exclude the creation of the Modal Sheet for data entry. This is in case you just need a table without the data entry option.
6. The built in ABMGenerator includes an ABMSwitch / ABMCheckBox component that you can link to your database table for data entry.
7. ABMUpload code included, tested and working as part of the ExcelImporter.
8. Managing your SQLite databases is easier as you can Create Tables, rename and delete fields and also see the table contents within MyMaterial.Show.
