Share My Creation Pixel_Studio


here is my latest creation (it is not 100% finished, need to complete the community section)
i would like to thanx a lot to @DonManfred for his Gif Encoder Wrapper and to everybody else in this


8 Bit Draw Pixel Studio is the best tool available to create 8 bit animations directly on your android device
and export them as a gif animation file or sprite sheet to your pc or share them with your friends.

8 Bit Draw Pixel Studio got lots of useful tools that makes 8 bit drawing easy and fun.

download it now for free and start share your 8 Bit Pixel creation with your friend and if you
are a game developer you can use your 8 Bit Pixel creations in your games by exporting it as
a sprite sheet.

Have Fun :)

Download Link:

Gif's created with 8_Bit Draw
(click on the gif to watch animation)

Flappy Bird.gif Minions.gif Pulp Fiction.gif Where is my Perry.gif Talking Girl.gif

Sprites created with 8_Bit Draw:

Flappy Bird.jpg

Nyan Cat.jpg

Where is my Perry.jpg


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Longtime User
they call this onion skinning. don't ask me where they found the link between an onion and the result of that effect tho :)

you are right sorex, but onion skinning is a too long string :D
and write onion alone will not sound good so i think i will keep "Layer" since it is a layer in the background.

but thank you for you feedback. i appreciate it.

have you tried "Pixel Studio"?


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Longtime User
have you tried "Pixel Studio"?

no, not yet. I'm currently busy with some web & app project. Will give it a try later today but the video showed already that it was good for its purpose :)

the 3D pixel looks cool but it doesn't actually qualify since it doesn't keep using valid pixels ;) still nice to have on a website or something tho.


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New Version has been Uploaded v1.07 v1.09 (bugs, bugs, bugs,... :rolleyes:)

* This update include community section. you can create project and upload them to the cloud and everybody can download/like them.
* in app purchase (remove ads)
* lots of improvements...

if you find any bugs please let me know.

thanx a lot, ilan :)
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Well-Known Member
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Hi Ilan,

I've tried your application. I've tried it on both my phone (Galaxy S5) and Galaxy 10.1 tablet.

There may be a bug, the further down the screen I draw, the further up the screen the pixel actually draws. for example, the top row is fine, but by the time I try to draw on the middle row, it actually draws one row above my stylus, at the bottom of the screen it draws two pixels above. How are you translating the touch position to the drawing grid???? this only happens on my tablet, not on my phone.

By default it would be good to be able to draw over pixels, rather than having to clear them first then draw over them, this may be because you want to change the colour of something by drawing over it, or in my case, I loaded the pulp fiction demo picture and wanted to add a gold watch to the characters arm, but found I had to clear the pixels before I could draw the gold watch strap.

When the menu is on screen, it would good to minimize the menu again when the user clicks on the picture.

As an older user, I used to use Deluxe paint 4 on the Amiga computer, this had an animation tool called onion skinning, which took the previous frame, then showed it faded behind the current frame, you could do this in your app by showing the previous frames pixels at double brightness to make them look faded, then draw the current frames pixels on top.

I see there is a grid size option, but it would be good to know how big the grid it, if designing sprites for games, you'll need to know what size you are working with. MAybe use a toast popup message to show the dimensions of the grid when you change grid size.

The community section is very good, however the previews don't seem to be working for me.

On the select a color box, clicking the colour selected at the top should open the custom colour screen that the paint bucket icon opens.

when downloading a community file, it would be nice to have an option to open the file straight away, with out having to then exit the community menu then open the file downloaded from the load menu.

I will try drawing something and uploading to the community when I get more spare time.

good application though, good luck with any future improvements you make to it.

oh, how are you handling the community side, is it an online Database on a free server somewhere? running b4j or PHP based?


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thanx a lot @andymc for taking time to test my app.

There may be a bug, the further down the screen I draw, the further up the screen the pixel actually draws. for example, the top row is fine, but by the time I try to draw on the middle row, it actually draws one row above my stylus, at the bottom of the screen it draws two pixels above. How are you translating the touch position to the drawing grid???? this only happens on my tablet, not on my phone.

this will happen only if you try to draw on a project that was made with a smaller device (like the 2 demo projects i have included)
if you create a new project in your tablet you will see that it is much more accurate. although i will need to see how i can solve this problem

How are you translating the touch position to the drawing grid????

By default it would be good to be able to draw over pixels, rather than having to clear them first then draw over them, this may be because you want to change the colour of something by drawing over it, or in my case, I loaded the pulp fiction demo picture and wanted to add a gold watch to the characters arm, but found I had to clear the pixels before I could draw the gold watch strap.

i did it like this because if you are using a phone it will be very hard to catch the right cell with your finger.
like this you don't ruin cells you have already drawn.

When the menu is on screen, it would good to minimize the menu again when the user clicks on the picture.


As an older user, I used to use Deluxe paint 4 on the Amiga computer, this had an animation tool called onion skinning, which took the previous frame, then showed it faded behind the current frame, you could do this in your app by showing the previous frames pixels at double brightness to make them look faded, then draw the current frames pixels on top.

there is an "onion skin" option i just called it "layer" because "onion skin" was a too long string :D
when you click on the menu you will find a button next to "paste" called "layer". this will show the previous frame (will not work on frame 1 because there is no frame 0)

I see there is a grid size option, but it would be good to know how big the grid it, if designing sprites for games, you'll need to know what size you are working with. MAybe use a toast popup message to show the dimensions of the grid when you change grid size.


The community section is very good, however the previews don't seem to be working for me.

yes thats true, will need to check how to do that since everything is loaded from a mysql db

On the select a color box, clicking the colour selected at the top should open the custom colour screen that the paint bucket icon opens.

this is a build in colordialog from Erel's dialog lib so i don't know if it is possible to do that.

when downloading a community file, it would be nice to have an option to open the file straight away, with out having to then exit the community menu then open the file downloaded from the load menu.


I will try drawing something and uploading to the community when I get more spare time.

good application though, good luck with any future improvements you make to it.

thank you :)

oh, how are you handling the community side, is it an online Database on a free server somewhere? running b4j or PHP based?

i use mysql database and php. i have also published a free source to demonstrate how to use mysql + php with b4j

thank you for your feedback andy, it is always good to hear some advices :)


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thanks for responding. Nice work again! I think you're really starting to produce some good programs and games, you can tell that you're skills as a developer are improving. Keep going and you may have a big hit on your hands soon.


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thanks to you @andymc i fixed the drawing also for big screens. now it should work much more accurate (i hope :rolleyes:)

i also included your suggestions like: toastmsg for grid size, open project after download has finished, close menu when draw cells (only if menu was open)

One thing i have not included and thats the preview. if there will be enough users i will also add that functions since it needs some coding.

anyway thank you for your great review. :)

(latest version is v1.15)