(POLL) How much do YOU make?


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Now, I'm not going to ask for specifics... but this might help future buyers of this software, as well as squash some curiosity.

NOTE: This is for App's made using Basic 4 Android ONLY. (Not Eclipse)

Also, since this is a poll regarding a generalization...

Please be honest, and this is to be PER MONTH. (Not in Total)


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I published 4 free apps with AdMob only and got over $30/mo = $1/day. Not bad!
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I'm not saying that this won't be an interesting thread, I'd be as interested to see the results as anyone, and as my apps have only been on there for a few weeks, I can't tell yet. But trying to measure the effectiveness of a programming environment by the income of users that are prepared to tell you is fraught with danger.

As with any market, putting the apps on it is not even half the battle. If you wan't it to be a success you have to treat it like a business with marketing (outside of the market) to get interest in your specific app.

It's going to depend on the uniqueness of your app, how many free versions there are and if your app is that much better than the free ones that people are willing to pay for it, how good it looks, how well written your write up is, how much time you spend pushing it to all that will listen etc. etc.

It took me about 10 weeks to write my first app (although it's pretty big in terms of what it has to do) that included learning enough about the android environment to be able to get it to work as I wanted it to, and that was quite a few hours a day, more than if I was working for someone else. In terms of time, I invested far more than the cost of buying B4A. Will I see a return on that time? I hope so, will it be this year? I doubt it.
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Well, since B4A is basicly a RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool, it will lack some functionality for awhile until more time and work and 3rd party contributions are put into it.

So, for starters, its nice to see if people are actually able to turn a decent profit from their apps using B4A.

$1 a day is fairly good starting off.

Obviously, getting into this market to "Make Millions" is highly unlikely, however if we can show bigger companies the ability to make apps with this software, it will show its effectiveness.

Uniqueness and ingenuity will play a MAJOR role into any application.

Just because you know 100% of EVERY single programming language doesnt mean you will be almighty and powerful.

I have made software when I was 16 that rivaled some of bigger companies due to unique features.

I am also aware that some people will exaggerate their earnings to make themselves look better. I hope that people here are mature enough to not lie about such a thing.
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I attached my AdMob report. Please don't get me wrong, I do not want to show off or prove anything. I just want to encourage anybody who want to develop Android apps by using Basic4Android: You'll get back your investment soon!

Ps: Attached file was resized too small so I upload to another host.

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That's pretty awesome Susu.

I do not know Erel, but I can respect that he found a product that sells, and it helps.

Since it's a programming IDE...done by a programmer. I can expect awesome features made to make our jobs that much better.

Besides, @ $39 a month to make your investment back, that makes me smile.
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Well, I only made Free Apps without Ads. So at this time it only cost me money. But in the future I will publish apps with Ads and then I hope to make money
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Hey ya...

I too only just started publishing my apps with ads on android market.

Revenue after about 1.5 weeks is around $6.50.

Nothing much, I know... but it is a start, and I do believe that the android market is capable of returning your investments in both your purchase of B4A and the registration fee of $25 for the market! (as for investment in the time you have put in... thats to be seen)

And with the Google I/O going on, something I hope will be a motivation for everyone to release more apps:

-Android activations swelling to over 100 million worldwide (112 countries) on 215 carriers and 36 manufacturers

-310 different Android devices

-400,000 activations per day, compared to 100,000/day in May of 2010, 200,000/day in August and 300,000/day in December.

-200,000 Android applications are now available in the marketplace

Thats quite a big audience we have growing for our apps each day.

Nice work susu and all... here is to good gains for everyone... lets stay positive shall we?

Source: [I/O 2011] Latest Android Stats: 100,000,000 Devices, 400,000 Activations Per Day | Android News, Reviews, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets, Tips, Mods, Videos, Tutorials - Android Police
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Don't limit yourself just to the android market. Look at areas like the enterprise market. I'm finishing up an app for a large manufacturing company and will make pretty good money. I have another one in the beta phase for a shipping company. Make inquiries at the company you work for or maybe a company a friend works at.

I'm also creating a iPhone version of my app which I plan on using Corona(until Erel creates a iOS dev platform *HINT* *HINT*) so if anyone here has any experience with it I would love to hear about it.
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Indeed, porting over a single app over to Android, iPhone, Windows Phones, and Blackberry's will be the most beneficial.

Utilizing third party marketplaces to help promote your app is also a key to success.
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I had my first app on the market back in January and now I have about 12 apps all for sale, none with adverts. Search the market for my developer name Legionware. I make about £35 ($55 US) a month but - and this is a big but - all my apps currently for sale were made with App Inventor. I am now in the process of re-writing them with B4A.

I am convinced that when the conversions are done, the B4A apps will sell much better than their AI siblings, if for no other reason than B4A's smaller app size. The simplest app done in AI is 3.5 meg installed, which clearly does not appeal to many users who's devices have limited memory.

Also, all of my AI apps take an age to load and run on my Galaxy Tab 10.1, I'm talking of up to a minute!!!! while their B4A siblings take just a few seconds. I'm thinking AI apps and Honeycomb do not co-exist well.
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APP Revenue

Hello everybody, i would like to also add, to all of you who are succesfully earning money with apps made with B4android, it would be a good idea to start a thread, where we can share with everyone tips and advises on what and how to market out apps, i'm fairly new to B4Android and i'm currently learning although i already have a couple of apps with appinventor, i think b4android has greater potential i would like to hear tips from anyone who is making good money with B4android.

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Then I believe this thread is the one you are looking for...


and Good Luck!

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Just like legion, I started with AI and I'm now on the process of rewriting my apps with b4a. In fact I just completed the first one recently. I have 3 paid apps that together average about $30/day (some days $20, some $50), for a monthly average around $900-1000. They far exceeded my expectations which is why I purchased b4a and am taking the time to rewrite them. It had become nearly impossible to update them using AI. I just can't wait to be done converting them so I can move on to new projects!

Sent from my DROIDX
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10 USD pcm from 1 App at the moment from Ads only. I feel this will rise next year as we only launched partway through the season. We have some improvements in the pipeline as well...! The second App has launched, last week, but needs a good deal of tweaking to improve the functionality and feel, these have taken way longer than expected. There are more Apps in the pipeline, but I only develop in the evenings. Hoping that cross App promotion will raise the nos.
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Yep Brad. There are opportunities outside the Android market. I'm just finishing up an app the replaces an old operator terminal/engineering keyboard/ infrared matrix touch screen that's used in a very specific application in paper mills. The original device is nearly impossible to find and the entire unit goes for about $12000. Now, ten years from now, there may be none of these old things in use anymore, but I'm hoping to be able to capitalize on people needing to keep these old systems running as the entire control system is normally in use for about 20 years due the the $1 million plus price tag. I figure if I can sell somebody a high end durable tablet with my app installed, I could make a decent amount of money from it, maybe a couple of thousand. I might never sell one though, but it was at least satisfying to be able to emulate the old device, used it on a live system earlier this week and it works great.
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Our apps sell for an average of $20 or so and we sold over 300 in November. You do the math! Don't forget Google takes 30% off the top.

Secrets: Build great apps people are willing to pay for, and give excellent support so you get lots of 5 star ratings.

By the way, ratings are always lower on free apps. I guess there is no respect for something you didn't pay for!
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Hi guys,
and sorry, let me quack in a different lake!
I never thought I will do business on these markets like Google Play or similar
ones. My firm believe is: there is no difference between PCs and Smartphones.
In fact, I do believe that smartphones will soon take over PCs.. so whatever
I use to do for PCs (business applications and databases...etc) I will port it to
this emerging platform of Smartphones.
Like laptops, smartphones are getting smarter, more powerful in terms of
processing and storage, and cheaper -every day.
What Erel did is the revival of an old language and the resurrection of dinosauric
programmers like myself. He sold to us a modern technology in an old clothing,
and we are happy with that, because this gave us new life and the ability to
continue to contribute without the 'left behind' feeling. Thanks Erel.
The app I am working on now is $50k

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