Android Tutorial PreferenceActivity tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use the new PreferenceActivity library. This library allows you to create the "standard" settings screen.

The settings screen is hosted in its own activity. As this is an external activity its declaration should be manually added to the manifest file.
I will take this opportunity to give some tips about manual modification of the manifest file which is sometimes required.

Editing AndroidManifest.xml (general overview)
As of Basic4android v1.8 it is no longer required to manually maintain the manifest file. Instead the manifest editor allows you to add extra elements as needed.
See this link for more information:
For PreferenceActivity you should add the following code to the manifest editor:
AddApplicationText(<activity android:name="anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.preferenceactivity"/>)
Back to PreferenceActivity


* This image was taken on a Samsung Galaxy Tab device. On other devices the screen will look a bit different based on their default style.

PreferenceActivity library includes two main objects: PreferenceScreen and PreferenceManager.
PreferenceScreen is responsible for building the settings UI. PreferenceManager allows you to read the settings and also modify them by code.
Both these objects should usually be declared in Sub Process_Globals.
The settings are saved in a file in the internal files folder. File handling is done automatically. Note that when you reinstall an application (without uninstalling it) the files are kept so the settings will also be kept.

Each preference entry is stored as a key/value pair. The key is a string (case sensitive) and the value can be either a string or a boolean value.
Each entry must have a unique key.

Building the UI
In order to build the UI we start with a PreferenceScreen object and add entries to this object directly or to PreferenceCategory which can hold other entries.
In the above screenshot you can see a PreferenceScreen with two categories holding other entries.
Note that a PreferenceScreen can also hold secondary PreferenceScreens. In this case when the user presses on the secondary entry a new screen will appear with its entries.
There are three types of preference entries:
- Checkbox
- EditText - Opens an input dialog when the user presses on it.
- List - Open a list dialog when the user presses on it, allowing the user to select a single item.
The code that creates the above UI is:
Sub CreatePreferenceScreen
    screen.Initialize("Settings", "")
    'create two categories
    Dim cat1, cat2 As PreferenceCategory
    cat1.Initialize("Category 1")
    cat1.AddCheckBox("check1", "Checkbox1", "This is Checkbox1", True)
    cat1.AddCheckBox("check2", "Checkbox2", "This is Checkbox2", False)
    cat1.AddEditText("edit1", "EditText1", "This is EditText1", "Hello!")
    cat2.Initialize("Category 2")
    cat2.AddList("list1", "List1", "This is List1", "Black", _
        Array As String("Black", "Red", "Green", "Blue"))
    'add the categories to the main screen
End Sub
The first string in the Add methods is the entry key followed by the title, summary and default value.
The default value is used if the key does not yet exist.

To show the preferences we use this code:
Sub btn_Click
End Sub
Reading the settings
Reading the settings is done with PreferenceManager.
To retrieve the value of a specific key you should use Manager.GetString or Manager.GetBoolean with this key.
You can get a Map with all the stored keys and values by calling Manager.GetAll
If you want to only handle updated settings then you can call Manager.GetUpdatedKeys. This will return a List with the keys that were updated since the last call to this method.
Usually you will want to handle settings updated in Activity_Resume. Activity_Resume will be called right after Activity_Create when you start your program and also when the user closes the preferences screen.
Whether you want to handle all keys or just the updated keys depends on your application.

The default values set in the PreferenceScreen.Add calls have no effect till the user actually sees the screen. It is recommended to explicitly set the default values if they do not already exist.
A simple way to do it is with code similar to:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If FirstTime Then
        If manager.GetAll.Size = 0 Then SetDefaults
    End If
End Sub

Sub SetDefaults
    'defaults are only set on the first run.
    manager.SetBoolean("check1", True)
    manager.SetBoolean("check2", False)
    manager.SetString("edit1", "Hello!")
    manager.SetString("list1", "Black")
End Sub
This way our code in Activity_Resume will work correctly whether it is the first time the program runs or after the user has closed the settings page.

The program is attached.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel for your reply!

You can use a single manager and screen. Put it in Process_Globals and it will be accessible from other activities as well.
This was my first idea but something didn't work, I'll retry again paying more attention.

You cannot change the color or text style of the preference screen.
Ok, it's not a big problem.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok, I just forgot to put the prefix with name of Activity where the settings was created :BangHead:

I take the chance to do another question: it's possible to launch the AH color dialog pressing an item on Preference Activity?

I'd like to give the user the possibility to change the interface color in a smart way instead of selecting predefined color on a listview.



Licensed User
Longtime User
just wondering...

Can I use hidden settings with this system so that I don't need to read/write an extra ini/settings file?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is this documented anywhere? it's not mentioned in this thread.


Licensed User
Longtime User

so I could use


and those addcheckbox and other prefscreen commands also envoke this setstring command at click events?


Licensed User
Longtime User
but when I use it in that preference activity it means an autosave of data?


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You can use a single manager and screen. Put it in Process_Globals and it will be accessible from other activities as well.

You cannot change the color or text style of the preference screen.

What fonts and size do you use in the Preference screen? I would like to make some other activities use similar font styles.


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Longtime User
Manager Variable

Hello. I saw that the variable "manager" is declared as PreferenceManager but then I don't see it initialized or anything else until it is used to set/retrieve the key values set on the preference screens.
My question is:
Should I declared only one variable as a PreferenceManager in the whole project? if so, does it have to be named "manager"?
and if I can declare more than one, how the program knows which key belong to which PreferenceManager?


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This tutorial explains how to use the new PreferenceActivity library. This library allows you to create the "standard" settings screen.

The settings screen is hosted in its own activity.
Back to PreferenceActivity


* This image was taken on a Samsung Galaxy Tab device. On other devices the screen will look a bit different based on their default style.

I'm working my way through this tutorial and can create / change the settings screen but my Galaxy 10" tab screen doesn't show the same as the above image suggrests. That is, no colour, smaller font for the Category labels etc. and, whilst usable, it doesn't look very pretty! I cannot find anything about the "default" style - can you help at all? Many thanks in advance


Active Member
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Longtime User
I'm working my way through this tutorial and can create / change the settings screen but my Galaxy 10" tab screen doesn't show the same as the above image suggrests. That is, no colour, smaller font for the Category labels etc. and, whilst usable, it doesn't look very pretty! I cannot find anything about the "default" style - can you help at all? Many thanks in advance

What Android version are you on, and what is your target API level?