I have an issue when the iPhone is blocked, I sent push with firebase credentials with http REST, I clicked on notification when the phone is blocked, the app opens, but nothing more is happened.
The process is the folowing:
I need show a new Module and insert this notification in a table in sqllite, but nothing happend.
When the phone is not blocked the procedure works normally.
Thanks in advance.
I have an issue when the iPhone is blocked, I sent push with firebase credentials with http REST, I clicked on notification when the phone is blocked, the app opens, but nothing more is happened.
The process is the folowing:
Sub Application_RemoteNotification (Message As Map, CompletionHandler As CompletionHandler)
Job8.Initialize("isPush", Me)
Job8.download2("http://domain.com/app/info.php", _
Array As String ("username", "user", "action", "push", _
"title", TitlePush ))
End Sub
Sub FillData(title As String, html As String)
Dim sqlquery As String
sqlquery = "INSERT INTO notificaciones (fecha, title, html) VALUES(datetime('now', 'localtime'), ?, ?)"
' Log(sqlquery)
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(sqlquery, Array As Object(title, html))
' Log(title & " " & html)
' LogTable
End Sub
I need show a new Module and insert this notification in a table in sqllite, but nothing happend.
When the phone is not blocked the procedure works normally.
Thanks in advance.