B4J Question Putting parts of a form-rich app into an external library


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I'm looking for ways to clean my huge code and boost IDE performance, so I'm putting everything I can into a compiled external library.
I already know I can't do this for modules that view their own forms, as designer forms can't be part of compiled libraries, but my question is this:
Can a class or function that receives a "Form" or node as a parameter and operates on it be placed inside a compiled library?
For example, if I have a class that makes changes to a Form type variable that it's given, can I put into a library (or is it not possible because nodes and forms can't be given to and altered by external libraries?)
Thanks a lot in advance.


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Can a class or function that receives a "Form" or node as a parameter and operates on it be placed inside a compiled library?

Note that you can make b4xlib from any module, including modules with layout files. The code isn't really compiled but it will help with organization and will have some effect on the IDE responsiveness.
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