I'm looking for ways to clean my huge code and boost IDE performance, so I'm putting everything I can into a compiled external library.
I already know I can't do this for modules that view their own forms, as designer forms can't be part of compiled libraries, but my question is this:
Can a class or function that receives a "Form" or node as a parameter and operates on it be placed inside a compiled library?
For example, if I have a class that makes changes to a Form type variable that it's given, can I put into a library (or is it not possible because nodes and forms can't be given to and altered by external libraries?)
Thanks a lot in advance.
I'm looking for ways to clean my huge code and boost IDE performance, so I'm putting everything I can into a compiled external library.
I already know I can't do this for modules that view their own forms, as designer forms can't be part of compiled libraries, but my question is this:
Can a class or function that receives a "Form" or node as a parameter and operates on it be placed inside a compiled library?
For example, if I have a class that makes changes to a Form type variable that it's given, can I put into a library (or is it not possible because nodes and forms can't be given to and altered by external libraries?)
Thanks a lot in advance.