quotes in a string


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Good morning,
I want set a string variable with something like:

<p><span style="color: #ff9900; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; font-size: xx-large;">test!</span></p>

But where there are this character: "
I have an error...
Help please :) !!!


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You can use the static variable QUOTE or chr(34). Never the less, I think I saw an Erel's post these days, where is said that we can insert the " inside a string, but I cannot remember right now the link :sign0013:
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In your case you can also use single quotes (') instead of double quotes.
This is true. In general, I've seen some inconsistencies moving from " to ', I think it was in javaScript, but can't remember now exactly. Anyway, nothing to do with b4a (actually seen it in php's echo).
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