A wrap for this Github project.
I have not tested or tried to figure out all the wrapped methods. Just using the stepSingle(Boolean) method to move the stepper motor. Will spend some more time on this to figure out some of the other methods exposed.
The attached B4R project positions the motor very accurately (using variable "stepcount" to track the position of the motor shaft).
See the comments in the attached B4R code for what the attached B4R project does:
1. Clicking on button "Move" moves the motor shaft by the number of degrees specified (in the attached example a random number generated from the natural noise on pin A0)
2. Clicking on button "Home" returns the motor shaft to the home position via the shortest angle/route
3. Clicking on button "Nudge" rotates the motor shaft in clockwise direction by "nudgesteps" and the home position will be set according to the last applied "nudgesteps"
B4R lib attached (rCheapStepper):
1. Copy the rCheapStepper folder and its contents (.h and .cpp files) to your B4R additional libs folder
2. Copy rCheapStepper.xml to the root of your B4R additional libs folder.
1. You can set a value other than 4096 for the number of steps (some motors do 4076 steps per revolution)
2. You can set the shaft speed (rpm) - I am using 16rpm as max (see setting in B4R code) as it seems to work well.
3. Using some inline C code to generate a random number from the natural noise on pin A0.
4. The Looper - it has to be there.
5. Some methods are blocking and some are non-blocking (main thread)
Sample Code:
I have not tested or tried to figure out all the wrapped methods. Just using the stepSingle(Boolean) method to move the stepper motor. Will spend some more time on this to figure out some of the other methods exposed.
The attached B4R project positions the motor very accurately (using variable "stepcount" to track the position of the motor shaft).
See the comments in the attached B4R code for what the attached B4R project does:
1. Clicking on button "Move" moves the motor shaft by the number of degrees specified (in the attached example a random number generated from the natural noise on pin A0)
2. Clicking on button "Home" returns the motor shaft to the home position via the shortest angle/route
3. Clicking on button "Nudge" rotates the motor shaft in clockwise direction by "nudgesteps" and the home position will be set according to the last applied "nudgesteps"
B4R lib attached (rCheapStepper):
1. Copy the rCheapStepper folder and its contents (.h and .cpp files) to your B4R additional libs folder
2. Copy rCheapStepper.xml to the root of your B4R additional libs folder.
1. You can set a value other than 4096 for the number of steps (some motors do 4076 steps per revolution)
2. You can set the shaft speed (rpm) - I am using 16rpm as max (see setting in B4R code) as it seems to work well.
3. Using some inline C code to generate a random number from the natural noise on pin A0.
4. The Looper - it has to be there.
5. Some methods are blocking and some are non-blocking (main thread)
Sample Code:
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs: True
#CheckArrayBounds: True
#StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public Serial1 As Serial
Dim cs As CheapStepper
Dim p4, p5, p6 As Pin
Dim p4click, p5click, p6click As Boolean = False
Dim stepcount As Long = 0 'keep track of where the stepper motor is relative to the startup or set position
Dim num As Long 'it is set by the inline C code and called in p5_StateChanged - random number by reading the natural noise on pin A0
Dim clockwise As Boolean = True 'clockwise = True, anti-clockwise = False
Dim nudgesteps As Int = 20
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
p4.Initialize(4, p4.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP) 'button to nudge the shaft clockwise forward in "nudgesteps" - see value assigned to nudgesteps above
p5.Initialize(5, p5.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP) 'button that creates a random number and move the motor shaft accordingly (from shaft current position)
p6.Initialize(6, p6.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP) 'button to move motor shaft to home position via the shortest route (smallest travel angle)
p4.AddListener("p4_StateChanged") 'add a listener for the button
p5.AddListener("p5_StateChanged") 'add a listener for the button
p6.AddListener("p6_StateChanged") 'add a listener for the button
cs.Initialize(8, 9, 10, 11) 'the motor is connected via the motor driver to pins 8, 9, 10, and 11
cs.Rpm = 16 'Seems to work well at 16rpm
cs.TotalSteps = 4096 '4096 per revolution for the motor that I am using - define your own motor steps
AddLooper("myLooper") 'we need to call cs.run continuously
End Sub
Sub myLooper
cs.run 'this call needs to be called continuously to keep the stepper motor moving and updated
End Sub
Sub p5_StateChanged 'step a number of random degrees in clockwise direction
If p5click = False Then 'only execute code on button down
Log("state 5 changed")
p5click = Not(p5click)
RunNative("getRandomNumber", Null) 'get a random number from 0 to 360 from the Inline C code - it comes from the natural noise on pin A0
Dim deg As Int = num
Log("DEG = ", deg)
Dim dir As Byte = Rnd(0,2) 'select a random direction - 0 is clockwise and 1 is anti-clockwise
If dir = 0 Then
clockwise = True 'go clockwise
clockwise = False 'go anti-clockwise
End If
Dim steps As Int = 4096 * (deg / 360) '4096 = 1 revolution. Based on the "random" value (0 to 360) crearted by the inline C code, calculate the number of steps to move
For i = 0 To steps
cs.stepSingle(clockwise) 'do the move in single steps
If clockwise = True Then 'keep track of how many steps we are moving clockwise/anti-clokwise
stepcount = stepcount + steps 'if clockwise - add
stepcount = stepcount - steps 'if anti-clockwise - subtract
End If
Log("Step Count = ", stepcount)
p5click = False
End If
End Sub
Sub p6_StateChanged 'go back to the initial zero position via the shortest turn path
If p6click = False Then 'only execute code on button down
Log("state 6 changed")
p6click = Not(p6click)
stepcount = stepcount Mod 4096 'how far are we away from the home position?
Log("MOD stepcount = ", stepcount)
If stepcount > 2048 Then 'we are past halve way from home in clockwise direction.
stepcount = 4096 - stepcount 'this will be the shortest path to the home position
For i = 0 To stepcount - 1
cs.stepSingle(True) 'go clockwise back to home position - it is the shortest path
else If stepcount >= 0 And stepcount <= 2048 Then 'we are less than halve way from home in clockwise direction.
For i = 0 To stepcount - 1 'take the shortest path home
cs.stepSingle(False) 'go anti-clockwise back to home position - it is the shortest path
Else If stepcount < 0 And stepcount > -2048 Then 'we are less than halve way from home in anti-clockwise direction.
stepcount = -1 * stepcount 'this will be the shortest path to the home position
For i = 0 To stepcount - 1
cs.stepSingle(True) 'go clockwise back to home position - it is the shortest path
Else If stepcount <= -2048 And stepcount > -4096 Then 'we are more than halve way from home in anti-clockwise direction.
stepcount = 4096 + stepcount 'this will be the shortest path to the home position
For i = 0 To stepcount - 1
cs.stepSingle(False) 'go anti-clockwise back to home position - it is the shortest path
End If
stepcount = 0 'set the home position
p6click = False
End If
End Sub
Sub p4_StateChanged 'move clockwise in steps of 10 micro steps and set the home tracking position accordingly
If p4click = False Then 'only execute code on button down
Log("state 4 changed")
p4click = Not(p4click)
cs.newMove(True, nudgesteps) 'move the motor shaft by defined "nudgesteps" in the clockwise direction
stepcount = 0 'the position will set the new "home" position. stepcount will be calculated from here.
p4click = False
End If
End Sub
'Generate a random number (0 to 360) from the natural "noise" on pin A0
#If C
void getRandomNumber (B4R::Object* o) {
long randNumber;
randNumber = random(361);
b4r_main::_num = randNumber;
#End If
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