B4J Question Replacement TitleBar. Disable double click


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How can I disable doble click on title to avoid maximize?

Thx in advance


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How can I disable doble click on title to avoid maximize?

Thx in advance

Wow... I just learned something new.... In all these years of using Windows I never knew that you could double click on the title bar to maximize it. 😮

Anyway.... you can use this line to remove the maximize button and that will also prevent it from being maximized if you DBL CLK the title bar:

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Does not work :confused:

That's strange! Works for me

#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 600
    #MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
    Private xui As XUI
    Private Button1 As B4XView
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
    xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello World!", "B4X")
End Sub

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Maybe the "titlebarCV" Library you are using has something to do with it. Try removing the library if possible and see what happens.
For sure!!.... that's the question in the title. The problem is "titlebar"... the form can be resizable and maximized... and that cannot be allowed😢
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For sure!!.... that's the question in the title. The problem is "titlebar"... the form can be resizable and maximized... and that cannot be allowed😢

OK.. I see in your code that you are replacing the standard titlebar. If that's then case then the library you are using controls that feature. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with that library. Hopefully someone else can help. Good luck!
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Are you using this library?

Contact Steve and make a wish.
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Are you using this library?
For sure!

In other apps with old version of replacement TitleBar, (adding formutils.bas and TitleBarCV.bas to project), works

I started a new project and new version of library does not work

New version is not 0K...

I will add old .bas files and all will be 0k 😁
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