B4R Library rEspalexa library

it is a wrapper for Espalexa library from Christian Schwinne : https://github.com/Aircoookie/Espalexa

with this library, we can create/modify 1<10 devices, 5 types are possible and management after is done by Alexa
- EspalexaDeviceType::dimmable
- EspalexaDeviceType::whitespectrum
- EspalexaDeviceType::color
- EspalexaDeviceType::extendedcolor
- EspalexaDeviceType::eek:noff (experimental)

this wrapper provide an interface for all functions in B4R.
- in original library, each device is identified by a pointer, in B4R by an index
- commands from Alexa are provided to B4R interface by a CallBack

an example of B4R project is included in zip file

22/08/02 new version based on library ESPAlexa v2.7.0 and with correction of type of file for espalexa.h


  • rEspalexaV2.4.zip
    39 KB · Views: 338
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