I too am confused...
If you need to do a .LoadLayout to add a "page" to the TabStrip, then if that layout has a scrollview in it, then how can you also do a scrollview.panel.loadlayout to load a layout into the scroll view beause there doesn't appear to be a way to access the scrollview object after it's host layout is loaded in the Tabstrip.
Bascially, I would like to use the tabstrip to create a multi-page help system, and each "page" of help will have text that is taller/longer then the height of the tab's page, so I need to be able to allow the user to scroll the text on each of the tabstrip "pages", and I assume you need to use a scrollview to do the scrolling.
It would be nice if I could just have one layout that has a scrollview in it and load this same layout over and over again for the desired number of pages:
TabStrip1.LoadLayout("PageSV","About App")
And then it would be nice to have some sort of a routine that could access the scrollview in each page separately:
If there is a way to modify the below routine (I got from another thread) so it can return a list of the scrollview controls in the tabstrip, then we could do the above to load a different layout into each scrollview:
Public Sub GetAllTabLabels (tabstrip As TabStrip) As List
Dim jo As JavaObject = tabstrip
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = jo.GetField("tabStrip")
Dim tc As Panel = r.GetField("tabsContainer")
Dim res As List
For Each v As View In tc
If v Is Label Then res.Add(v)
Return res
End Sub