Search the forum but have no solution yet.
I'm really a nope with Iphone but still learning.
I have a webpage where I fill a textbox to login with javascript. This part is working just like Android.
But now I need to send the key Enter to validate the value.
For Android I have used the library SendInput for this but for B4I I can not find this.
Thanks for helping me out here.
I'm really a nope with Iphone but still learning.
I have a webpage where I fill a textbox to login with javascript. This part is working just like Android.
Private Sub SentJavaScriptSeed
Dim sf As Object = WV1.EvaluateJavaScript("document.getElementsByClassName('loginInputField')[0].value = '" & (The Value Here) & "'")
Wait For (sf) WV1_JSComplete (Success As Boolean, Result As String)
modFunctions.showlog(Result.Length, False)
modFunctions.showlog("text " & Result, False)
End Sub
But now I need to send the key Enter to validate the value.
For Android I have used the library SendInput for this but for B4I I can not find this.
Thanks for helping me out here.
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