Serialization: JSon, XML or what?


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I am writing a Windows application and am thinking of having(at least initially) a mobile data viewer. One of the important things for this would therefore be to serialize data so that it can be read back on the device.

There are three main contenders here in my opinion:

- JSon
- SQLite DB

I would very much dislike to use SQLite DB simply because I don't consider that a proper database; too easy to make disasters :)
But other than that, JSon and XML both seem a good way to store data.
If you have any other suggestions, I am open by the way :)

What does B4A support natively? Is Json supported?

Also, I would like to understand whether there are compression libraries
available to B4A(this would really be an interesting thing to have) and, if so, what library is best :)

Thank you!



Licensed User
Longtime User
All three are supported.

I actually think that SQLite is a great database engine.

There are several options for compression. See these search results: Basic4android Search: Compression

I think SQLite is too easy to fiddle with and pretends to be a SQL database without supporting virtually "anything" in terms of constraints.
This can't be any good, but I am planning to use it locally, i.e. as stable datasource for the mobile version once synchronizaton has been done.

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