B4J Question Server receives B4J data garbled?


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The data in the sample program (if it is the one mentioned by @aeric) is serialized using B4XSerializator. If you want access to the information in your server program, you would need to implement a version of B4XSerializator in the language of the server you are using. A .NET example is provided here (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...lementation-of-b4xserializator.73080/#content) and a PHP version can be found here (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-cloudkvs-synchronized-key-value-store.63536/#content). Both projects may be used as a reference to generate a version of B4XSerializator for your language of choice.

One could also convert the data to be transmitted from B4J to JSON first and then transmit it to a server written in a programming language of choice (besides B4X).

Note: the correct link to the PHP version is given by @Sandman below
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