This is a collection of methods that I have collected here in b4a, perhaps one can find them useful..
This is a collection of methods that I have collected here in b4a, perhaps one can find them useful..
'Description: Return Left part of a string
'Tags: left method, string
Sub Left(Text As String, Length As Long)As String
If Length>Text.Length Then Length=Text.Length
Return Text.SubString2(0, Length)
End Sub
'Description: Return Right part of a string
'Tags: right method, string
Sub Right(Text As String, Length As Long) As String
If Length>Text.Length Then Length=Text.Length
Return Text.SubString(Text.Length-Length)
End Sub
'Description: Return the Mid portion of a string
'Tags: mid method, string
Sub Mid(Text As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String
Return Text.SubString2(Start-1,Start+Length-1)
End Sub
'Description: Returns an array from a delimited string
'Tags: split method, string
Sub Split(Text As String, Delimiter As String) As String()
Return Regex.Split(Delimiter,Text)
End Sub
'Description: Returns the length of a string
'Tags: length of string, len
Sub Len(Text As String) As Int
Return Text.Length
End Sub
'Description: Replace a string within a string
'Tags: Replace function, string
Sub Replace(Text As String, sFind As String, sReplaceWith As String) As String
Return Text.Replace(sFind, sReplaceWith)
End Sub
' Description: Return a string in lowercase
'Tags: lower case string, lcase
Sub LCase(Text As String) As String
Return Text.ToLowerCase
End Sub
'Description: Return a string in uppercase
'Tags: upper case, ucase
Sub UCase(Text As String) As String
Return Text.ToUpperCase
End Sub
'Description: Trim a string
'Tags: trim, string
Sub Trim(Text As String) As String
Return Text.Trim
End Sub
'Description: Return position of sub string within a string
'Tags: indexof, position
Sub InStr(Text As String, sFind As String) As Int
Return Text.IndexOf(sFind)
End Sub
'Description: Return position of a sub string within a string starting from a position
'Tags: indexof, position, string
Sub InStr1(iStart As Int, Text As String, sFind As String) As Int
Return Text.IndexOf2(Text, iStart)
End Sub
'Description: Return position of a substring within a string starting from the back
'Tags: instrrev, string
Sub InStrRev(Text As String, str As String) As Int
Return Text.LastIndexOf(str)
End Sub
'Description: Returns true if a string contains another string
'Tag: string, contains
Sub Contains(Text As String, sFind As String) As Boolean
Return Text.Contains(sFind)
End Sub
'Description: check if device has internet connection
'Tags: internet,connection
Sub HasInternet() As Boolean
Dim Server As ServerSocket
Server.Initialize(0, Null)
If Server.GetMyIP = "" Then 'Test for internet connection
Return False
Return True
End If
End Sub
'Description: sum all the values in a list
'Tags: list,sum
Sub ListSum(lst As List) As String
Dim lTot As Int = lst.Size - 1
Dim lCnt As Int
Dim lStr As Int
Dim lSum As Int = 0
For lCnt = 0 To lTot
lStr = lst.Get(lCnt)
lSum = lSum + lStr
Return lSum
End Sub
'Description: Returns True if the CurrentDate and the CompareToDate are within X number of days(DateRange)
'of each other. Otherwise False will be returned.
'Tags: Date, search, range
Sub SearchDate(CurrentDate As String, CompareToDate As String, DateRange As Int) As Boolean
Dim DayOfYearCompareDate, DayOfYearCurrentDate As Long
If ValidDate(CurrentDate) And ValidDate(CompareToDate) Then
Return False
End If
DayOfYearCompareDate = DateTime.GetDayOfYear(DateTime.DateParse(CompareToDate))
DayOfYearCurrentDate = DateTime.GetDayOfYear(DateTime.DateParse(CurrentDate))
If DayOfYearCompareDate >= DayOfYearCurrentDate And DayOfYearCompareDate <= (DayOfYearCurrentDate + DateRange) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Sub
'Description: Return the date tomorrow in ticks
'Tags: date, tomorrow
Sub Tomorrow() As Long
Dim Tom As Long
Tom = DateTime.Add(DateTime.Now, 0, 0, 1)
Return DateTime.Date(Tom)
End Sub
'Description: Convert a json file to a map
'Tags: json, map, conversion
Sub JsonFileToMap(Dir As String, FileName As String) As Map
Dim JSON As JSONParser
Dim Map1 As Map
JSON.Initialize(File.ReadString(Dir, FileName))
Map1 = JSON.NextObject
Return Map1
End Sub
'Description: Convert a json string to a map
'Tags: json, string, map, conversion
Sub Json2Map(jsonText As String) As Map
Dim json As JSONParser
Dim Map1 As Map
Map1 = json.NextObject
Return Map1
End Sub
'Description: Returns whether the passed date is valid or not
'Tags: date validation,date
Public Sub ValidDate(ChkDate As String) As Boolean
Private dcf As Int
Private GoodDate As String
dcf = 0
GoodDate = DateTime.DateParse(ChkDate)
GoodDate = ""
dcf = 1
End Try
If dcf = 0 Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Sub
'Description: Returns a new date when adding them to an existing date
'Tags: Date, addition, calculation
Sub DateAdd(mDate As String, HowManyDays As Int) As String
Dim ConvertDate, NewDateDay As Long
ConvertDate = DateTime.DateParse(mDate)
NewDateDay = DateTime.Add(ConvertDate, 0, 0, HowManyDays)
Return DateTime.Date(NewDateDay)
End Sub
'Description: Returns the number of days that have passed between two dates.
'Pass the dates as a String
'Tags: Date, differences, calculation
Sub DateDiff(CurrentDate As String, OtherDate As String) As Int
Dim CurrDate, OthDate, MyNewDate As Long
CurrDate = DateTime.DateParse(CurrentDate)
OthDate = DateTime.DateParse(OtherDate)
Return (CurrDate-OthDate)/(DateTime.TicksPerDay)
End Sub
'Description: Return the position of a string within another
'Tags: at, string position
Sub At(Text As String,SearchFor As String) As Int
Return Text.IndexOf(SearchFor)
End Sub
'Description: Return the left trimmed string from another
'Tags: ltrim, trim, left
Sub Ltrim(Text As String) As String
Do While Left(Text, 1) =" "
Text = Right(Text, Len(Text)-1)
Return Text
End Sub
'Description: Return the right trimmed string from another
'Tags: rtrim, trim, string
Sub Rtrim(Text As String) As String
Do While Right(Text, 1) =" "
Text = Left(Text, Len(Text)-1)
Return Text
End Sub
'Description: VB val function equivalent to return all numeric values in a string
'Tags: val, string, numericonly
Sub Val(Text As String) As String
Do While IsNumber(Right(Text,1))=False Then
If Len(Text) >0 Then
Text=Left(Text, Len(Text)-1)
End If
If Len(Text) > 0 Then
Return Text + 0
Return 0
End If
End Sub
'Description: vb IIf equivalent function
Sub iif(Text As String, Text1 As String, Text2 As String) As String
If Text = True Then Return Text1 Else Return Text2
End Sub
'Description: Pauses operation
'Tags: pause, execution
Sub Pause(Tvar As Int)
Dim Tstart As Long
Tstart = DateTime.Now
Do While DateTime.Now-Tstart < (Tvar*1000)
End Sub
'Description: Return space made of number of
'Tags: space
Sub Space(HM As Int) As String
Dim RS As String = ""
Do While Len(RS) < HM
RS = RS & " "
Return RS
End Sub
'Description: Load a combobox from a multi value delimited string
'Tags: combobox, picker, delimited
Sub ComboBoxFromMV(cbo As Spinner, sValues As String, sDelim As String, bClear As Boolean, xPrefix As String)
' load a combo box from multi value fields
If bClear = True Then cbo.Clear
Dim spvalues() As String
Dim i As Int
Dim itot As Int
Dim ivalue As String
spvalues = Regex.Split(sDelim, sValues)
itot = spvalues.length - 1
For i = 0 To itot
ivalue = spvalues(i)
ivalue = ivalue.Trim
ivalue = xPrefix & ivalue
End Sub
'Description: Returns a list from a multi value delimited string
'Tags: List, multi-value string,delimited
Sub ListFromMV(lst As List, sValues As String, sDelim As String, bClear As Boolean, bClean As String, xPrefix As String)
' convert multi value fields to a list
If bClear = True Then lst.Initialize
Dim spvalues() As String
Dim i As Int
Dim itot As Int
Dim ivalue As String
spvalues = Regex.Split(sDelim, sValues)
itot = spvalues.length - 1
For i = 0 To itot
ivalue = spvalues(i)
ivalue = ivalue.Trim
ivalue = xPrefix & ivalue
If bClean = True Then ivalue = CleanValue(ivalue)
If lst.IndexOf(ivalue) = -1 Then lst.Add(ivalue)
End Sub
'Description: Return a cleaned string without the values specified only
'Tags: string, replace
Public Sub CleanValue(sValue As String) As String
sValue = sValue.replace(" ","")
sValue = sValue.Replace(".","")
sValue = sValue.Replace("-","")
sValue = sValue.Replace("&","")
sValue = sValue.Trim
Return sValue
End Sub
'Description: Copy values from one combobox to another
'Tags: combobox, picker, copy
Sub ComboBoxCopy(cboSource As Spinner, cboTarget As Spinner)
Dim i As Int
Dim itot As Int
Dim ivalue As String
itot = cboSource.Size - 1
For i = 0 To itot
ivalue = cboSource.GetItem(i)
End Sub
'Description: Return true if device being used is a tablet
'Tags: device size
Sub IsTablet() As Boolean
Dim lv As LayoutValues
lv = GetDeviceLayoutValues
Dim DeviceSize As Int = lv.ApproximateScreenSize
If DeviceSize >= 6 Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Sub
'Description: search for a string in a multi value string and return position
'Tags: search, multi-value string
Sub MvSearch(searchvalues As String,strsearch As String,delim As String) As Int
If searchvalues.length = 0 Then Return -1
Dim spvalues() As String
Dim i As Int, itot As Int, ivalue As String
spvalues = Regex.Split(delim,searchvalues)
strsearch = strsearch.ToLowerCase
itot = spvalues.length - 1
For i = 0 To itot
ivalue = spvalues(i)
ivalue = ivalue.ToLowerCase
If ivalue = strsearch Then Return i
Return -1
End Sub
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