Hello everybody. I try to explain my problem. I have an app in b4x that opens a list of pdf files, I use a clv with a panel that I load every time. so far everything ok.
a problem arises when I close this page which contains a list and go back to the main menu. if I return to the list page, the listview no longer loads the panel and creates empty lines. this only happens on ios, while on android it opens them regularly every time I open and close the page. I think I'm missing something about how to treat pages on ios, how to close them or how to reopen them in such a way as to reload everything as if it were the first time. I'm missing something, do chisure and reopening behave differently? I use B4XPage_appear, but I'm afraid this only works with android. I hope to be explained to me
a thousand thanks
a problem arises when I close this page which contains a list and go back to the main menu. if I return to the list page, the listview no longer loads the panel and creates empty lines. this only happens on ios, while on android it opens them regularly every time I open and close the page. I think I'm missing something about how to treat pages on ios, how to close them or how to reopen them in such a way as to reload everything as if it were the first time. I'm missing something, do chisure and reopening behave differently? I use B4XPage_appear, but I'm afraid this only works with android. I hope to be explained to me
a thousand thanks