B4A Library SignPad V0.20 - Signature Capture - incl Java source


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Hi Don and all,
This is an old post, but I visited here again today and found it very simple for my purpose.. at more than 65 my
memory is less than perfect . and I see so many version and contributions from Don and others.. someone help
please with the last and final version of this great project.

Best regards, -b


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someone help
please with the last and final version of this great project.
it has signature template


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Hi Anand,
Thanks but I am looking for the final version and project example of this post.. the same post that we are in right now. (Don's post)


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for the final version and project example
There ´ll be no more versions. As the library is from 2015 i know i do not have the source anymore (HDD crash in 2016).
Do not expect any new here. Use the library in #1. Example is in #1 too.

If it´s fit your needs; great. If not; search for alternatives.


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i have a version that donmanfred showme long tome allow
can you allowme shared in this thread?


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This is the original source code for develpment in eclipse/java, and other with a little change for my proyect (touchmadmio) (point over de 'i' are not allowd in original).

inside tochpadmio, have the folfer 'libreriasparab4a': jar and xml

i'm not sure this code are that you need or other more old.


  • SignaturePad_Original.zip
    27.1 KB · Views: 181
  • TouchPadMio.zip
    111.8 KB · Views: 179


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I encourage you to do it. I can't right now, maybe next week. It is not complicated and you will open up new possibilities.


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(in spain we say: 'el rascar es todo empezar' - scratching is all beginning)

- install eclipse
- do a simple change:
* in signPad.java added this code:

ba.raiseEvent(this, eventName + "_onclear");

      public void onClear() {
          BA.Log("onClear() evento rav");

          ba.raiseEvent(this, eventName + "_onclear");

- install https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-libraries-without-eclipse.29918/#post-173756
and compile

* b4DocLet are not in my computer (view previous thead)
* case sensitive : ba.raiseEvent(this, eventName + "_onClear"); (C in Clear must be minus!!)

And now, incluye in your B4A proyect the detect event:
Sub SignaturePad_onSigned(sign As Object)
    If ValidarDniYNombre = False Then
        SignaturePad.Tag = ""
        MsgboxAsync("Complete Nombre y apellidos,  y  DNI con 9 caracteres. No indique guiones","Faltan datos")
        SignaturePad.Tag = "Firmado"
    End If
End Sub

'this event are raised a lot of times.
Sub SignaturePad_onClear()
'    MsgboxAsync ("Borrado","Borrado")
End Sub

may be is better use:

now i have a problem with this library in my proyect:
error pasing librarie
signaturepad.strokewidth alrady existe
and the version is 0.0 with the previous are 0.22
i think the problem is the commple method ( in previus version 5 year ago!!! i compile with javadoc ...)
i go to use the previous version in my proyect.

my be the correct implements are in official touchpad of DonManfred.


  • TouchPadMio.zip
    12.1 KB · Views: 9
Last edited:


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(at the risk of being annoying, but for leaving everything documented

You have to include com.github in the compiler that I mentioned, as I have seen in another thread.
This is:
-b4aignore: org,com.android,com.example,com.hoho,com.github

But anyway the XML has some different entries that makes my project fail to compile.

Attach images.


  • error1.png
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  • error1.png
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  • error1.png
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  • compilar.png
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