I have a simple script to animate a loader image
during a wait for poststring class. It's works great but between each loop of the rotation there is a few waiting second ?
like that :
the code :
Dim POStr As POSTstr
Dim imgload As Animation
ImgConnLoad.Width = 45dip
ImgConnLoad.Height = 45dip
ImgConnLoad.Visible = True
imgload.InitializeRotateCenter("", 0, 360, ImgConnLoad)
imgload.Duration = 1000
imgload.RepeatCount = -1
'Process Class
POStr.Initialize(BoServerAddConnect, PSParams, "JobAddConn")
Wait For (POStr.SendPost) complete(resPOStr As String)
ImgConnLoad.Visible = False
If you have an idee to make a rotation loop more fluid ?
Sub RotateInfinite(v As B4XView)
Do While v.tag
v.Rotation = v.Rotation + 5 'change this value for rotation speed
End Sub
'to start animation set view tag to true and call rotate function
ImgConnLoad.tag = true
'to stop animation set view tag to false
ImgConnLoad.tag = false