Hi the
This was an interesting find: https://docxtemplater.com/, also its just so easy to use and understand.
Below is my template. I am attempting to generate the API documentation for the SithasoDaisy ebook. This was easy to achieve using tables on the demo. And yes, I could fire up HTML2DOCX, but this is not what I wanted.
I wanted to create a template that could suit my needs and all i will do is feed it content. The tables will have repeat rows {#properties} etc. These are stored as lists/arrays in the json file.
An example of the output based on a HTML in the running app is like this...
So I have JSON files (example attached) that have these definitions, when each component is selected, I am reading the JSON file and then generating the table above.
To do this for the word documents, I will have to do a similar thing. In this case, I click on a button, the file is read and then a simple scripts generates the needed word document.
This is the complete code for the SithasoDocxTemplator
Of course this can be adopted to work for ones use cases. So far this is good progress.
This was an interesting find: https://docxtemplater.com/, also its just so easy to use and understand.
Below is my template. I am attempting to generate the API documentation for the SithasoDaisy ebook. This was easy to achieve using tables on the demo. And yes, I could fire up HTML2DOCX, but this is not what I wanted.
I wanted to create a template that could suit my needs and all i will do is feed it content. The tables will have repeat rows {#properties} etc. These are stored as lists/arrays in the json file.
An example of the output based on a HTML in the running app is like this...
So I have JSON files (example attached) that have these definitions, when each component is selected, I am reading the JSON file and then generating the table above.
To do this for the word documents, I will have to do a similar thing. In this case, I click on a button, the file is read and then a simple scripts generates the needed word document.
Sub apiprops_doc (e As BANanoEvent)
apiprops.ToolbarButtonLoading("doc", True)
Dim jsonFile As Map = banano.Await(banano.GetFileAsJSON($"./assets/${CompName}.json"$, Null))
Dim properties As List = jsonFile.Get("properties")
Dim events As List = jsonFile.Get("events")
Dim methods As List = jsonFile.Get("methods")
Dim doc As SithasoDocxTemplator
doc.Initialize(Me, "docx", "./assets/api.docx", $"${CompName}.docx"$)
doc.SetField("component", CompName.ToUpperCase)
doc.SetField("properties", properties)
doc.SetField("events", events)
doc.SetField("methods", methods)
apiprops.ToolbarButtonLoading("doc", False)
End Sub
This is the complete code for the SithasoDocxTemplator
#Event: Finished
Sub Class_Globals
Private fn As String
Private BANano As BANano 'ignore
Private mcallback As Object
Private eventName As String
Private tags As Map
Private ffn As String
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize(mcb As Object, event As String, tmpFile As String, target As String)
fn = tmpFile
mcallback = mcb
eventName = event
ffn = target
End Sub
Sub SetField(key As String, value As Object)
End Sub
Sub BuildWait
Dim PizZipUtils As BANanoObject
Dim error, content As Object
Dim cb As BANanoObject = BANano.CallBack(Me, "generate", Array(error, content))
PizZipUtils.RunMethod("getBinaryContent", Array(fn, cb))
End Sub
Private Sub generate(error As Object, content As Object) 'ignore
If BANano.IsNull(error) = False Then
End If
'start processing
Dim zip As BANanoObject
zip.Initialize2("PizZip", content)
Dim options As Map = CreateMap()
options.Put("paragraphLoop", True)
options.Put("linebreaks", True)
Dim doc As BANanoObject
doc.Initialize2("Docxtemplater", Array(zip, options))
doc.RunMethod("render", tags)
Dim blobOptions As Map = CreateMap()
blobOptions.Put("type", "blob")
blobOptions.Put("mimeType", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document")
blobOptions.Put("compression", "DEFLATE")
Dim blob As BANanoObject = doc.RunMethod("getZip", Null).RunMethod("generate", blobOptions)
BANano.RunJavascriptMethod("saveAs", Array(blob, ffn))
If SubExists(mcallback, $"${eventName}_finished"$) Then
CallSub(mcallback, $"${eventName}_finished"$)
BANano.Console.Warn($"SithasoDocxTemplator: '${eventName}_finished' event does not exist!"$)
End If
End Sub
Of course this can be adopted to work for ones use cases. So far this is good progress.