B4J Question [SOLVED] ABMMini - 2 pages - how to programmatically go from 1 to the other?


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Using ABMMini as a base.

I have set up 2 pages:

In Process_Globals I have:
Sub Process_Globals
    ...    (normal stuff)
    Public myPage1 As Start_Page
    Public myPage2 As Launch_4_ABM_Page

End Sub

There is html and javascript in Start_Page module that creates a simple trigger that when fired calls the following code in Start_Page module:
Sub Start_Instance_NextPage(value As Map)
    Private nextPageID As String = ABM.GetPageID(Main.myPage2.page, Main.myPage2.PageName, ws)
    Private nextPageHTML As String = Main.myPage2.page.PageHTMLName
    'Load next page
    Main.Server.NavigateToPage(ws, nextPageID , nextPageHTML)
End Sub

Log(nextPageID) produces:

Log(nextPageHTML) produces:

When the code is fired the statement
Main.Server.NavigateToPage(ws, nextPageID , nextPageHTML)
does not load the second page.

I'm thinking I need to embellish the nextPageHTML parameter somehow in the above statement but am out of ideas.

Any and all suggestions welcome.


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Alain has suggested:

...but the call should be something like:

Main.Server.NavigateToPage(ws, ABMPageId, "../SecondPage")

Where ABMPageID is the PageID of the page you are leaving and the TargetUrl the path to the page you want to go to

With this clue and some further fiddling the solution is:
Sub Start_Instance_NextPage(value As Map)
    Private nextPageName As String = Main.myPage2.PageName
    Private nextPageHTML As String = Main.myPage2.page.PageHTMLName
    'PageID is set in WebSocket_Connected
    'Load next page
    'Main.Server.NavigateToPage(ws, PageID , "../Launch_4_ABM_Page/Launch_4_ABM.html")
    Main.Server.NavigateToPage(ws, PageID , "../" & nextPageName & "/" & nextPageHTML)
End Sub

Many thanks Alain...
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