Sub TestRS_Position
Dim i As Int
Dim c As Int
Dim strSQL As String
Dim RS1 As ResultSet
Dim strDataType As String 'ignore
strSQL = "create table if not exists TestRS_Position(col1 text, col2 text, col3 text, col4 text, col5 text)"
strSQL = "insert into TestRS_Position values('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E')"
For i = 0 To 4
strSQL = "select * from TestRS_Position"
RS1 = SQL1.ExecQuery(strSQL)
For c = 0 To 4
strDataType = GetResultSetColumnDataType2(RS1, c)
End Sub
'this one presumes that numbers can only have one dot max and no comma's
Sub GetResultSetColumnDataType2(RS1 As ResultSet, _
iColumn As Int) As String
Dim i As Int
Dim strNew As String
Dim strOld As String
Dim arrBytes() As Byte
Dim bHasDots As Boolean
Dim bHasNumber As Boolean
Dim strDataType As String
RS1.Position = -1 'this is needed to avoid skipping rows!
Do While RS1.NextRow
strNew = RS1.GetString2(iColumn)
If strNew <> Null Then
If strNew.Length > 0 Then
'this can make this about twice as fast if there is a sorted
'column and if the rows to be tested are not taken randomly
If strNew <> strOld Then
strOld = strNew
arrBytes = bC.StringToBytes(strNew, "ASCII")
bHasDots = False
For i = 0 To arrBytes.Length - 1
If arrBytes(i) > 57 Then
Log(strNew & " return T as byte > 57")
Return "T"
Else 'If arrBytes(i) > 57
If arrBytes(i) < 48 Then
Select Case arrBytes(i)
Case 45 '-
If i > 0 Then
Return "T" 'as number can't have minus at position past zero
strDataType = "T" 'provisional value, can change to an int or double
End If
Case 46 '.
'presume a number can't have multiple dots
If bHasDots Then Return "T"
bHasDots = True
' Case 44 ',
' 'presume numbers can't have comma's
'Return "T"
Case Else
'Log("< 48 and not - or .: " & strNew)
Return "T"
End Select
Else 'If arrBytes(i) < 48
bHasNumber = True
End If 'If arrBytes(i) < 48
End If 'If arrBytes(i) > 57
Next 'For i = 0 To arrBytes.Length - 1
End If 'If str <> strOld
End If 'If str.Length > 0
End If 'If strNew <> Null
If bHasNumber Then
If bHasDots = False Then
Return "I"
Else 'If bHasDots = False
Return "R"
End If
Else 'If bHasNumber
If strDataType = "T" Then
Return "T"
Return "N"
End If
End If 'If bHasNumber
End Sub