I am using the httpjob to download the txt file from the server, I can see the string of the download. The text file is space delimited, i know the breakdown of the field, in this case it is 40,15,3,47.
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
End If
I know the code works for the download, I know that I need to put something in the j.success if statement but how would I parse the string, there are 4 columns and 5 lines of text
First explode the string using CRLF (new line char) as delimiter. You will get each line as a string. Then run a loop and explode each string using space as delimeter.
A Alpha Sunday 1 1
B Brava Monday 2 2
C Charlie Tuesday 3 4
D Delta Wednesday 4 8
E Echo Thursday 5 16
F Foxtrot Friday 6 32
G Golf Saturday 7 64
and so you might need to watch out for:
- multiple spaces = single delimiter
- how empty/blank/null fields are handled
- leading spaces (if generates a blank extra field, then subsequent field numbering could be off-by-one)
- trailing spaces (if generates a blank extra field, then could overrun your Dim Field(NumFields) As String buffer array)
You are correct, it is a fixed-width file, so as per the suggestion above I am going to use the CRLF as a delimiter and read that into a string. I think I will try to substring the above string with the column widths I have in an array. Does that sound about right?
Just noticed that you have the column widths in an array. You could use those to do the preliminary filter, by checking that:
- each field (except the first one) is preceded by a space
- each field begins with a non-space (unless empty fields are possible, eg, a person's middle name)
'000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555 position
'Bill Bloggs 123 Fourth Street Fifthville
'Dan Dubois 345 Fifth Road Sixthville
'Erel Eminent 567 Sixth Avenue Seventhville
'00000 11111111111 22222222222222222222 333333333333333333333 field number (NOTE NumFields = 4, not 3 ;-)
'5 11 20 21 field width
'======================================== minimum line length = 4 + (5 + 11 + 20) = 40
Dim MinLineLength As Int = NumFields 'preload with column-separating spaces and first character of last field
For FieldNumber = 0 to NumFields - 2
MinLineLength = MinLineLength + FieldLength(FieldNumber)
For Each LineString in the file
Dim OkFlag As Boolean
OkFlag = (LineString.Length >= MinLineLength)
If OkFlag Then
Dim FieldPosition As Int = 0
For FieldNumber = 0 to NumFields - 1
If FieldNumber <> 0 Then
If LineString.CharAt(FieldPosition - 1) <> " " Then
OkFlag = False
Exit 'Exit For, since no need to check any further
End If
End If
If LineString.CharAt(FieldPosition) = " " Then
OkFlag = False
Exit 'Exit For, since no need to check any further
End If
FieldPosition = FieldPosition + FieldLength(FieldNumber) + 1
End If
If OkFlag Then
CallYourOwnSplitLineRoutine() 'line looking good so far
Log("Line failed filter test")
Log("[" & LineString & "]"
End If