After a few years I picked up programming again.
I am an amateur, I use the free documentation of B4X and that is enough for me.
Someone pointed me to Python. I have been working on it seriously. It is a beautiful programming language. But so impractical. Cumbersome installation, constantly installing all kinds of libs, you need Kivy for a (flawed) user interface. Difficult to find suitable documentation and much is not free. Python is suitable for Windows apps and still a lot of hassle to adapt it to other platforms, then you have to log in somewhere again and upload your Windows app.
I see no advantage with Python and started working with B4X again.
What a relief. And over the years B4X has grown into a professional programming language.
I started again with B4X (lost my old account). Just with the "Getting started" documentation.
I am now 70 and I will not write a meaningful app. For me B4X is a nice hobby. But for young people there is a treasure here.
In my country (the Netherlands) people complain that young people can no longer read and understand text. Everything is visualized. This app is designed to challenge these young people haha.
B4J Windows only now
I am an amateur, I use the free documentation of B4X and that is enough for me.
Someone pointed me to Python. I have been working on it seriously. It is a beautiful programming language. But so impractical. Cumbersome installation, constantly installing all kinds of libs, you need Kivy for a (flawed) user interface. Difficult to find suitable documentation and much is not free. Python is suitable for Windows apps and still a lot of hassle to adapt it to other platforms, then you have to log in somewhere again and upload your Windows app.
I see no advantage with Python and started working with B4X again.
What a relief. And over the years B4X has grown into a professional programming language.
I started again with B4X (lost my old account). Just with the "Getting started" documentation.
I am now 70 and I will not write a meaningful app. For me B4X is a nice hobby. But for young people there is a treasure here.
In my country (the Netherlands) people complain that young people can no longer read and understand text. Everything is visualized. This app is designed to challenge these young people haha.
B4J Windows only now