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BANanoVuetifyAD3 moves from BETA to production use with version 3.10.

This MIT based project is for your hearts content so that you can create websites / webapps / server with BANano+BANanoServer
Use BANanoSQL, SQLite, MySQL, MSSQL, Firebase as your backend. Oh yes!!! we are still exploring how we can make it work with jRDC2, and we will keep you informed. This library supports email creation and also PDF document creation. For more details, see below.

Download it here

B4X Blog

Check out our 45+ videos on how to use it. You can even create your views/pages with the abstract designer.

Also, this library has beautiful plugins that you can use off the shelf. These are.

Produce beautiful emails with BANanoMJML

Produce PDF reports with BANanoPDFMake

Produce Excel reports with BANanoOXML

Use FireBase as your backend with BANanoFireStoreDB

Convert your WebApp to Electron Desktop App

BTW, If you need to wrap a javascript framework you can also do it with the BANanoCustomView creator

In other news...

Should you want to do some drawings on the canvas, check out BANanoCanvas

or perhaps want to create some ZUIs with BANanoZUI

In closing,

Talk to us on Telegram



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BANano v6.57



1. [NEW] BANano.SetTabNotification(number As String)
Adds a notification number to the browsers tab. e.g. '(2) My Website'

2. [NEW] BANano.DeepClone(Obj as Object)
Deep Clones an object (e.g. a map)

3. [NEW] BANano.CreateElement(Tag as String) As BANanoElement
Creates a BANanoElement, not attached to something

4. [NEW] Use you own favicon.ico
If a favicon.ico is found in the /Files folder, it is used instead of the default BANano one.

5. [NEW] Optimisations saved to file
As the log only shows the first x of optimizations, the full list is now saved in OPTIMISATIONS.txt

6. [FIX] Fixes in how the Service worker handles additional Javascript Files
In some rare cases, the Service worker did not included some needed Javascript files.
This part of the engine has been rewritten.

7. [NEW] BANano.BuildAsB4XLibForABM(LibraryVersion As String)
New transpilation to create ABMBANano b4xlib libraries for ABMaterial.

More info: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-libraries-for-abmaterial.126828/#post-793319

8. [NEW] BANano.RaiseEventToABM(eventName As String, eventParamNames as List, eventParamValues as List, Description as String)
Method to raise an event to a ABM, maximum two params because B4J only supports this maximum. Use a Map is more are needed.
The Description will be added to the generated .bas file for ABM as comment.

See 7 for usage.

9. [NEW[] BANano.Spread(variable as Object) as Object
Adds the spread operator (three dots) before the variable.
e.g. BANano.Spread(myVar)

becomes: ...myVar

For more info on the Javascript Spread operator: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax

10. [CHANGE] BANanoGeoLocation.GetCurrentGeoLocation() renamed to BANanoGeoLocation.GetCurrentPosition()

11. [NEW] BANANO.Header.AddJavaScriptFileSW(AssetFileNameOrUrl As String)
Does the same a AddJavascriptFile() but will write in also in the ImportScripts() method in the Service Worker file.

NOTE:such a javascript file can NOT use window or document or any other reference to the DOM as a Service Worker can not access this!

If it is a javascript file used in a BANanoLibrary, it MUST be added in the app explicitly!

These javascript files will NOT be merged!

12. [NEW] BANANO.Header.AddJavascriptES6FileSW(AssetFileNameOrUrl As String)
Does the same a AddJavascriptES6File() but will write in also in the ImportScripts() method in the Service Worker file.

NOTE:such a javascript file can NOT use window or document or any other reference to the DOM as a Service Worker can not access this!

13. [NEW] BANanoSQL.NextInserted(tableName As String, FieldName as String)
Returns the next auto incremented value that will be used

14. [NEW] BANanoEvent.Target() As Object
New property, can contain the Target description on which the event was triggered.

15. [NEW] TranspilerOptions.DoNotDeleteFolderOnCompilation(fullPath as String)
Prevents the Transpiler from deleting this folder. Useful e.g. for assets that are not in the /Files folder.

16. [NEW] BANano. Online() and BANan. OffLine() events
Raises an event when the webApp goes Online of Offline.

Note: Can ONLY be used in Main!

17. [NEW] New components in SKSkeleton

18. [FIX] Several smaller transpiler fixes

Download: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-abstract-designer-support.99740/#post-627764



Licensed User
Longtime User
BANano v6.59

Do NOT use v6.57 anymore if you are using it to make ABMBANanoLibraries!



1. [FIX] ABMBANano Libraries losing Websocket connection
I had to find this out myself the hard way, but there was a major flaw in the generation of the 'glue' code:
It only worked for ONE instance of the page. So as soon as two or more users accessed the page, the previous ones broke the connection.

You will have to recompile your existing ABMBANanoLibraries with this new version and make the changes in the calling ABM app described below:

Consequences on this fix:

a. Step 3. (Call this method in ConnectPage() to set the WebSocket) has to be removed
b. In each call to an ABMBANano library in ABM, you must pass the WebSocket (ws) in the method as the first parameter.

2. [NEW] TranspilerOptions.Author and .IDECmment
Added to comply with the latest version of B4J

Download: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-abstract-designer-support.99740/#post-627764



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