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jUniversalDetector - Encoding (charset) detector
Detect encoding (charset) of any kind of text based file or string.


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BVAD3 3.65 - BANanoVuetifyAD3 to create websites & webapps using the Abstract Designer

It is with pleasure to make available BVAD 3.65, which enables one to create websites and webapps. With this version we have been able to create some awesome dashboard clones.

To explore the compiled projects without downloading the library source code, get everything here:

You can just open each of the index.html files in each of the projects to explore what we did.

Thanks to Erel, Alain and the many supporters of this project.

Tutorials NB: Part 47 will have everything about the library components, no needs to run part 01-46. Part 50-57 are the dashboards.

The applicants dashboard feautures a CRUD SQLite project that uses PHP, showing how to create input dialogs, adding, updating and deleting records from a DB.

Download complete repo (+150MB including all tutorials etc)

This project uses VueJS & Vuetify


Have fun. You can support this OPEN SOURCE project by clicking "Like"


Alexander Stolte

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  • B4J Support
    • DoubleClick on Bottom to Expand or Collapse
      • Depend on Expandable
  • Add Designer Property ShowFirstWeekOfMonthInFirstRow - if the calendar is expanded then the 1st week of the month will be in the 1st row

Suggestions for improvement of the handling in b4j are welcome.


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BANanoVuetifyAD3 Version 5.25 is now available.

This comes with the New Awesome Kitchen Sink WebApp where one can explore all the elements created purely with the abstract designer. This is more than 60 pages demonstrating each element from the power of the library. Just like you would a normal b4x app, you use the abstract designer, generate events and you are good to go in creating your awesome webapp.

As a bonus, this also comes with a new dashboard, the Cloud Inventory Dashboard Clone, to help anyone learn along


We have made some simple notes here too

Enjoy and have fun and thanks for supporting this project!!!


PS: Also an eBook for those in a hurry was written to create CRUD based WebApps, find it here:



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added Two New HWID Method
version 1.8


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I have released a BETA version of BANano 7 for the adventurous ones among you ;) (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...h-abstract-designer-support.99740/post-627764). This contains ONLY the library files (no examples or additional BANano libraries).

Do not ask questions about this one here (it is for announcements only), but start a new thread with [BANano] in the subject.

I'm finishing a big PWA myself for a client this week using version 7, so I got limited time to answer questions. But I try to follow-up feedback as much as possible.

This version may likely undergo some changes and may contain bugs, so be VERY careful and using it in production is 100% your own responsibility!



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BANanoRelax 0.1

What is it all about?

1. Do your CRUD Offline,
2 - Sync data to the Cloud and
3. Relax ;) ie dont worry about data-loss
