Android Code Snippet Sudoku Solver Collaborative Project

This may not be the place to post this but hopefully someone will put it where it needs to be

I created this as a 'lazy' Sudoku solver and it developed a bit by adding in brute force auto-solving.
I have included a medium and a hard Sudoku puzzle as a test. The auto-solve will do the medium but not the hard.

I was interested to see if any other members of this forum are interested in contributing other solving algorithms for a bit of fun. I have no desire to publish this, its just an exercise.

This started of as a simple program so I have not structured it as I should as it grew. But you will get the idea.

The instructions are in 'information'
It has been written for a 10" tablet


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Please take this thread down Erel.. I should have realized that someone here would have had a go at this .....


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I have combined my GUI with Markus Strip's algorithm to allow for an easier interface and also allow the game to be played as if it where pen and paper. There is a 'cheats assist' as well and a selection of puzzles to demonstrate Markus's algorithm


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