iOS Question tableview, share contents with whatsapp.


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Hello friends, how do I share the contents of a tableview1 just filled with some products on whatsapp or other social media?
I made this code and I can't feed the contents of the tabellaview1 it only takes a text as a string and nothing else, in this way as you see text inside the strings.

Sub btnaggiungi_Click
    Dim items As List = TableView1.GetItems(0)
    Dim tc As TableCell 'create a new item
    items.InsertAt(0, tc)
End Sub
Sub btnwhastapp_Click
    Dim avc As ActivityViewController
    avc.Initialize("avc", Array("TESTO COME STRINGA" , ""))
    avc.Show(Page1, Page1.RootPanel)
End Sub

Sub avc_Complete (Success As Boolean, ActivityType As String)
    Log($"Success: ${Success}, ActivityType: ${ActivityType}"$)
End Sub
Sub TableView1_SelectedChanged (SectionIndex As Int, Cell As TableCell)
    TableView1.RemoveCells(SectionIndex, TableView1.GetItems(SectionIndex).IndexOf(Cell), 1)
End Sub
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