by following @Erel Update on this Post
targeting Sdkversion = 34, if you have a foregroundservice that do media play back in the background you will need to add this to your manifest in order to migrate to targetsdk 34
Starting service Code
here is a list of foreground service types.
in short
this code may not be useful on the next B4a Release, have a great day.
targeting Sdkversion = 34, if you have a foregroundservice that do media play back in the background you will need to add this to your manifest in order to migrate to targetsdk 34
' sdk 34
SetServiceAttribute(Your_Service_Name, android:foregroundServiceType, "mediaPlayback")
Starting service Code
Private Sub StartForegroundService(Service As Object)
Dim p As Phone
If p.SdkVersion <= 26 Then
End If
Dim ctxt As JavaObject
Dim intent As JavaObject
intent.InitializeNewInstance("android.content.Intent", Array(ctxt, Service))
ctxt.RunMethod("startForegroundService", Array(intent))
End Sub
here is a list of foreground service types.
Foreground service types | Background work | Android Developers
in short
[camera=64, connectedDevice=16, dataSync=1, location=8, mediaPlayback=2, mediaProjection=32, microphone=128, phoneCall=4]
this code may not be useful on the next B4a Release, have a great day.