How's that for a clickbait title?! ?
OK, now down to serious business:
I've got an app I'm building where I could easily make some portions of the data as a Type() or store it in a map.
I'll either have a map of Types() or a map of maps.
I wanted to know which one was more performant, as time will be of the essence in some use-cases.
Here's the little test program I wrote:
(To run it, just "File>New>Console (Non-UI)," and paste the above code in the "Main" source. Then press "F5.")
OK, so a couple of issues:
If the timing is correct, the results show that it does not matter (for a dataset of one million items) whether or not you store Types() in the map or maps in the map. You can retrieve the entire dataset in less than a second...
Were you surprised?! And impressed?! (Hopefully there are no glaring bugs that will invalidate the results.)
It would be great if someone would review the code for correctness and try to fix the glitches... ? I'm sure there is much to learn!
Thank you!
First Bug Fixed! - DateTIme.Now is a Long, not a Float
OK, now down to serious business:
I've got an app I'm building where I could easily make some portions of the data as a Type() or store it in a map.
I'll either have a map of Types() or a map of maps.
I wanted to know which one was more performant, as time will be of the essence in some use-cases.
Here's the little test program I wrote:
(To run it, just "File>New>Console (Non-UI)," and paste the above code in the "Main" source. Then press "F5.")
'Non-UI application (console / server application)
#Region Project Attributes
#MergeLibraries: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Type Asset (best_bid As Float, best_ask As Float, lastPrice As Float)
End Sub
'pulled from mcqueccu's post, here:
Sub UUIDv4 As String
Dim sb As StringBuilder
For Each stp As Int In Array(8, 4, 4, 4, 12)
If sb.Length > 0 Then sb.Append("-")
For n = 1 To stp
Dim c As Int = Rnd(0, 16)
If c < 10 Then c = c + 48 Else c = c + 55
If sb.Length = 19 Then c = Asc("8")
If sb.Length = 14 Then c = Asc("4")
Return sb.ToString.ToLowerCase
End Sub
'slightly modified from Peter's code, here:
Public Sub ShuffleArray(IntArray() As Int) As Int()
Dim ArrayVal As String
Dim Random As Int
For i = 0 To IntArray.Length - 1
Random = Rnd(i, IntArray.Length)
ArrayVal = IntArray(i)
IntArray(i) = IntArray(Random)
IntArray(Random) = ArrayVal
Return IntArray
End Sub
'create one million assets with random bids/asks/prices
'build one map with types, one with maps
'perform a test of map.get() and pulling all the data into a StringBuilder string
'see who is fastest...
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
Private testMapWithType As Map
Private testMapWithMap As Map
Private testRunsCount As Int = 999999
Private numbers(1000000) As Int
Private listOfNames As List
Private i As Int
Private timeStart As Long
Private timeEnd As Long
'build the one million assets
timeStart = DateTime.Now
For i = 0 To 999999
Private assetName As String
Private thisAsset As Asset
Private AssetMap As Map
Private best_ask, best_bid, lastPrice As Float
best_ask = Rnd(1,999999)
best_bid = best_ask * 0.99
lastPrice = ( best_ask + best_bid ) / 2
thisAsset.best_ask = best_ask
thisAsset.best_bid = best_bid
thisAsset.lastPrice = lastPrice
assetName = UUIDv4
Do While testMapWithMap.ContainsKey(assetName)
assetName = UUIDv4
numbers(i) = i
timeEnd = DateTime.Now
Log("Built one million unique assets")
Log(timeEnd- timeStart)
numbers = ShuffleArray(numbers)
Private assetNamesList As List
'shuffle all the asset names
For i= 0 To testRunsCount
Log("Testing Maps with Types")
Private newAsset As Asset
Private newMap As Map
Private disp As StringBuilder
timeStart = DateTime.Now
For i=0 To testRunsCount
'I suspect this is faster than disp.Remove(0,disp.Length), but don't know for sure...
newAsset = testMapWithType.Get(assetNamesList.get(i))
disp.Append(assetName).Append(" -> ").Append(newAsset.best_ask).Append(" / ").Append(newAsset.best_bid).Append(" / ").Append(newAsset.lastPrice)
timeEnd = DateTime.Now
Log($"Length of disp: ${disp.Length}"$)
Log($"Last disp: ${disp.ToString}"$)
Log($"Last asset: ${assetName}"$)
Log(timeEnd - timeStart)
Log("Testing Maps with Maps")
timeStart = DateTime.Now
For i=0 To testRunsCount
newMap = testMapWithMap.Get(assetNamesList.get(i))
disp.Append(assetName).Append(" -> ").Append(newMap.get("best_ask")).Append(" / ").Append(newMap.Get("best_bid")).Append(" / ").Append(newMap.Get("lastPrice"))
timeEnd = DateTime.Now
Log($"Length of disp: ${disp.Length}"$)
Log($"Last disp: ${disp.ToString}"$)
Log($"Last asset: ${assetName}"$)
Log(timeEnd - timeStart)
End Sub
OK, so a couple of issues:
Why does timeStart and timeEnd never change values?! I am assigning a new DateTime.Now value to each variable each time.- There is a discrepancy in the results. The displayed final string is different for both runs, but they should be the same!
- Also, some values are more precise in one set than the other! Looks like maps aren't holding the precise value.
If the timing is correct, the results show that it does not matter (for a dataset of one million items) whether or not you store Types() in the map or maps in the map. You can retrieve the entire dataset in less than a second...
Were you surprised?! And impressed?! (Hopefully there are no glaring bugs that will invalidate the results.)
It would be great if someone would review the code for correctness and try to fix the glitches... ? I'm sure there is much to learn!
Thank you!
First Bug Fixed! - DateTIme.Now is a Long, not a Float
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