Share My Creation UBER style Transportation Platform

Hello everyone and happy new year!

First of all, thank the entire B4X team and the members of this beautiful forum

Most of this platform is working in the real world with more than 5000 downloads and active users in my country, that means it has been tested and works great.

Today we present
: UBER style Transportation Platform

The project is a beautiful UBER-style transportation platform to request vehicle services.

Passenger app:
  • The passenger app will be available on both iOS and Android
  • Handles a beautiful professional UX interface.
  • The B4XPages Framework was used
  • As you can see in the video, the style of the map is very professional and you will see that it occupies the entire screen.
  • The app is made up of: a Splash, Description in sliding panels, Login, User profile where you can edit your photo, Wallet, Share and earn and more...
Driver app:
  • In the driver app it is also for iOS and Android
  • We can register by uploading the documents and photos of both the vehicle and the driver that will later be verified by an administrator.
  • Beautiful interface
  • Has very good performance
Admin app:
  • In the administrator app it is to verify the registered drivers
  • In this desktop App (100% B4J) you can see the photos of the documents and drivers to be verified

Server B4J:

  • The B4J server will be connected to an SQLite database, it is also possible to receive the photos or documents uploaded by the driver.
  • Excellent performance!

Source code for sale for only: $182 Here PayPal or Here ePayco

: I am a very active member of this forum so I will be providing support and help.

Regards Johan
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have to test in my pc, but at least in my tablet (ipad) I can’t to play the videos


Licensed User
Longtime User
you should see the videos
You're right, in my pc and my phone, I can see the videos, there must be some problem with my ipad.

Great job, the app really looks amazing¡¡


Active Member
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Longtime User
Hello Johan I can't get it with paypal.
Maybe you will have any another alternative to make the payment?

Ivica Golubovic

Active Member
Licensed User
I had created something similar for a taxi company. The principle is the same. The program for PC is made in visual studio and is also a server. I made an Android app for in-vehicle tablets and a user app for ordering rides and tracking request status. These two applications were built in B4X with some java programming. The whole system works flawlessly and I am surprised too.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there...

* do you have screenshots or video from desktop b4j app ?
* also, can you tell us they way communicate ? are you using jrdc2... ? are you using direct sql ? mqtt ? what ?
* also... the price is for the source code for the whole solution ?

Thanks for you answers!!

Great WORK !

Johan Hormaza

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
* do you have screenshots or video from desktop b4j app ?
Yes, I will have it ready soon and I will post videos and images

also, can you tell us they way communicate ? are you using jrdc2... ? are you using direct sql ? mqtt ? what ?
I use JRDC2, WebSocket and Rest Api. Also a bit of Mqtt.

also... the price is for the source code for the whole solution ?
If that's the price of the entire solution before launch, then it will go up to $80.


Well-Known Member
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Hello Johan, I've just bought your great product


Active Member
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At the moment I have that alternative, I would like to know what problem you have with PayPal? Thanks!

Hello Johan. Paid with epayco!.




Licensed User
Longtime User
I like the animation ?
Are you using animated GIF, APNG, WebP, LottieFiles or something else?
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