Hi all,
so far I used my beloved B4J for non-UI apps only. Now, I'd like to write a simple master-detail like program using forms to input some data and tables to show filtered data from a MySQL DB.
It will be a very basic program, nothing fancy.
I'd like to read your comments on which approach shoud I prefer:
1) B4J + Internal Designer components + needed libraries
2) B4J + WebView + HTML + Javascript
3) B4J non-UI + HTML/CSS + Javascript
4) PHP + HTML + Javascript
As I see it, options 3 and 4 are essentially the same where the "glue logic" is programmed in B4J or PHP respectively. Option 2 sounds like a compromise, while option 1 should be the winner if I don't read comments from you about any important pitfall.
Any other hint is, as always, welcomed. Thank you.