Original library: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/unity-ads-android
Based on Unity Ads Library v4.4.1 (05 Oct 2022).
Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Video.
v4.0.x - A lot of events, methods and classes are depecated or changed, full list here. If you use this library for the first time in your project, there is no problem for you. However, if you are upgrading the library from any of the previous versions, be warned that you will need to change your code. Example app is also updated for v4.0.
For InterstitialAd and for RewardedVideoAd you need to add this in your manifest:
Download library from:
Based on Unity Ads Library v4.4.1 (05 Oct 2022).
Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Video.
v4.0.x - A lot of events, methods and classes are depecated or changed, full list here. If you use this library for the first time in your project, there is no problem for you. However, if you are upgrading the library from any of the previous versions, be warned that you will need to change your code. Example app is also updated for v4.0.
Author: Author: Unity - B4a Wrapper: Pendrush
Version: 4.41
- UnityAdsBanner
- Events:
- OnBannerClick
- OnBannerFailedToLoad (Error As String)
- OnBannerLeftApplication
- OnBannerLoaded
- Functions:
- BringToFront
- Initialize (arg1 As String)
- InitializeBanner (EventName As String, GameID As String, TestMode As Boolean, PlacementID As String)
EventName - Event name
GameID - The Unity Game ID for your Project, located in the developer dashboard.
TestMode - When set to true, only test ads display.
PlacementID - The Placement ID, located on the developer dashboard.
UnityAdsBanner.InitializeBanner("BannerAd", "3054608", True, "banner")
Activity.AddView(UnityAdsBanner, 100%x/2-160dip, 0, 320dip, 50dip)
UnityAdsBanner.LoadBanner- Invalidate
- Invalidate2 (arg0 As android.graphics.Rect)
- Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- LoadBanner
Load banner Ad.- RemoveView
- RequestFocus As Boolean
- SendToBack
- SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As android.graphics.Bitmap) As BitmapDrawable
- SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
- SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
- SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
- SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
- Properties:
- Background As android.graphics.drawable.Drawable
- Color As Int [write only]
- Enabled As Boolean
- Height As Int
- Left As Int
- Padding As Int()
- Parent As Object [read only]
- Tag As Object
- Top As Int
- Visible As Boolean
- Width As Int
- UnityAdsInterstitial
- Events:
- OnUnityAdsAdLoaded (PlacementID As String)
- OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad (Error As String)
- OnUnityAdsShowClick (PlacementID As String)
- OnUnityAdsShowComplete (PlacementID As String, State As String)
- OnUnityAdsShowFailure (Error As String)
- OnUnityAdsShowStart (PlacementID As String)
- Functions:
- InitializeInterstitial (EventName As String, GameID As String, TestMode As Boolean, PlacementID As String)
EventName - Event name
GameID - The Unity Game ID for your Project, located in the developer dashboard.
TestMode - When set to true, only test ads display.
PlacementID - The Placement ID, located on the developer dashboard.
UnityAdsInterstitial.InitializeInterstitial("InterstitialAds", "3054608", True, "rewardedVideo")- IsInitialized As Boolean
- LoadAd
Load Interstitial/Rewarded Ad.- ShowAd
Show Ad
For InterstitialAd and for RewardedVideoAd you need to add this in your manifest:
android:hardwareAccelerated="true" />
android:hardwareAccelerated="true" />
android:hardwareAccelerated="false" />
android:hardwareAccelerated="false" />)
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