Use google map software ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi ,
do you know how to use "Google Map" ( the software) and put somes "Markers" on it ?

I do this with a webview and pre-formated HTML File. Work fine but the control of the map is not really good.

For exemple, if i want to Zoom in my map ( with 2 fingers on screen), My map dont zoom, it's the Webview who zoom.

Do you know how to control "Google map" ? or how to bloc the webview resize ?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Open the Designer and load the layout that contains your WebView.

Select the WebView and in the list of properties set ZoomEnabled to False.

The WebView will no longer zoom as you described BUT you'll not get a pinch to zoom effect by using a map in a web page displayed in a WebView.

I think that sort of advanced stuff is only available if you use the SDK and create an android app using a MapView.
(MapView not supported by B4a unfortunately).

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