I think the graphics arrays are in a .h file not a .cpp file ( could be wrong though ) purely from reading about 3 color e-paper displays. ( I don't own one to try on ).
One array is black/white the other is 3rd color. They appear to get written separately to the display.
It's possible. The ARDUINO sketches use the 2 files "imagedata.h" and "imagedata.cpp" and it seems to me that imagedata.h is an empty shell which is filled during the sketch by the content of "imagedata.cpp" but I could be wrong .
I put in PJ the content of the sketch that I use to obtain the display of the "Waveshare Electronics" image.
For those who only want to display text on the electronic label, just use the ARDUINO sketch in PJ, you will get the following display on a 2.9 inch E-Paper
But before launching the sketch, you must check that the necessary GxEPD2 library is already installed, otherwise you must follow the following instructions:
As I have 2 kinds of E-Paper screens, one 2.9 inches and a second 2.66 inches, I noticed that the display in the previous sketch is the same on both devices. In both cases , we obtain a maximum display of 7 lines of 26 characters (182 characters). This is a big difference with small LCD screens (2 lines of 16 characters or 4 lines of 20 characters).
Still no library for B4R, I wonder if we couldn't perhaps use this library?
I tried the EREL method again to create an XML file, this time the command line worked and I got no error messages but I got a disappointing XML file that doesn't work.
Finally it makes sense now.
Using a nodeMCU and a 2.9b v3 display, in order to upload the sketch RST (D4 pin) must have open circuit or else sketch wont load.
After the sketch is loaded reconnect D4 and reset NodeMCU. Then it works.
Scroll down til you see 'Preparation' heading
Under that is a link marked 'click here'
Basically it sets up a web server on the 8266 - when youi connect with a browser you can upload the image and convert it for the display model you choose.
Note: it doesn't appear to check the size of the image file you give it. It crashed until I simply passed one the same size as the display (128 x 296).
Note: it doesn't appear to check the size of the image file you give it. It crashed until I simply passed one the same size as the display (128 x 296).