SubName: Reading PIR sensor on digital pin 5 to rotate a servo on digital pin 4.
Description: Basically this example is emulating opening and closing powered doors like in a shopping centre (shopping mall), superstore etc.
You can use this simple code to monitor PIR sensors HC-SR501 or HC-SR505 (tested on both). I'm using the PIR to rotate a servo 90° (door will open) for 10 seconds by using a timer. As long as the PIR sensor senses motion, the servo will stay rotated at 90° (door open). When the PIR sensor no longer senses motion the servo will rotate back to 0° (door closed). If whilst the servo is rotating back to 0° (door is closing) the PIR sensor suddenly detects motion again, the servo will instantly stop rotating (stop closing the door) and the servo will reverse direction (opening the door again).
PLEASE NOTE: There are many ways to achieve the same results, using a timer is just one way.
Libraries needed:
Arduino wiring
Tested on both the HC-SR505 and HC-SR501 PIR Sensors
Description: Basically this example is emulating opening and closing powered doors like in a shopping centre (shopping mall), superstore etc.
You can use this simple code to monitor PIR sensors HC-SR501 or HC-SR505 (tested on both). I'm using the PIR to rotate a servo 90° (door will open) for 10 seconds by using a timer. As long as the PIR sensor senses motion, the servo will stay rotated at 90° (door open). When the PIR sensor no longer senses motion the servo will rotate back to 0° (door closed). If whilst the servo is rotating back to 0° (door is closing) the PIR sensor suddenly detects motion again, the servo will instantly stop rotating (stop closing the door) and the servo will reverse direction (opening the door again).
PLEASE NOTE: There are many ways to achieve the same results, using a timer is just one way.
********************* PROGRAM STARTING ****************
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door open - 90°
Update in 10000ms
Door open - 90°
Update in 10000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door open - 90°
Update in 10000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door open - 90°
Update in 10000ms
Door open - 90°
Update in 10000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door closed - 0°
Update in 1000ms
Door open - 90°
Update in 10000ms
Libraries needed:
'VCC = 5V
'Servo s = Digital Pin 4
'PIR s = Digital Pin 5
'*** BOARD TYPE ***
'*** UNO ***
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private Const ServoSpeedDelay = 40, ServoAngle = 90 As Int 'Servo rotation delay speed, Servo opening angle
Private Servo, PIR, LED As Pin
Private SrvDoor As Servo
Private TmrPIRSense As Timer
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Servo.Initialize(4, Servo.MODE_INPUT) 'Servo on Pin 4
PIR.Initialize(5, PIR.MODE_INPUT) 'PIR on Pin 5
LED.Initialize(13, LED.MODE_OUTPUT) 'UNO LED on Pin 13
TmrPIRSense.Initialize("PIRSense_Tick", 1000) 'Set the timer to check for motion every 1 second
TmrPIRSense.Enabled = True 'Enable the timer
End Sub
Sub PIRSense_Tick
TmrPIRSense.Enabled = False 'Disable the timer
If PIR.DigitalRead Then 'Check for motion
LED.DigitalWrite(True) 'Turn LED On when the door is open
TmrPIRSense.Interval = 10000 'Set the timer to 10 seconds (People are walking through the door)
Do While SrvDoor.Read < ServoAngle 'Check servo angle/door
Delay(ServoSpeedDelay) 'Delay to slow down the servo speed (Door opening speed)
SrvDoor.Write(SrvDoor.Read + 1) 'Rotate the servo (Open the door)
LED.DigitalWrite(False) 'Turn LED Off when the door is closed
TmrPIRSense.Interval = 1000 'Set the timer back to 1 second
Do While SrvDoor.Read > 0 'Check servo angle
If PIR.DigitalRead Then 'If motion sensed whilst servo(door) is closing then EMERGENCY...
TmrPIRSense.Interval = 0 'Set the timer to open the door instantly
TmrPIRSense.Enabled = True 'Enable the timer
Return 'SAFETY STOP - Jump out of the sub to stop closing the door
End If
Delay(ServoSpeedDelay) 'Delay to slow down the servo speed (Door closing speed)
SrvDoor.Write(SrvDoor.Read - 1) 'Rotate the servo (Close the door)
End If
TmrPIRSense.Enabled = True 'Enable the timer
If SrvDoor.Read = 0 Then Log("Door closed - ", SrvDoor.Read, "°") Else Log("Door open - ", SrvDoor.Read, "°")
Log("Update in ", TmrPIRSense.Interval, "ms")
End Sub
Arduino wiring
Tested on both the HC-SR505 and HC-SR501 PIR Sensors
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