Get the most out of the ESP32 by running code in Core 0 as well as the default Core 1.
Arduino runs all code in Core 1 and Core 0 is left idle. Use this code to utilize Core 0. Not sure how stable this is but its hasn't given me any trouble yet!
Arduino runs all code in Core 1 and Core 0 is left idle. Use this code to utilize Core 0. Not sure how stable this is but its hasn't given me any trouble yet!
'Sample code to use the second core of an ESP32 from within B4R. B4R code will run in Core 1 and in this example some code can be forced to run in Core 0.
'Created May 2020 - Tron71
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs: True
#CheckArrayBounds: True
#StackBufferSize: 1200
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Log("Dual Core Sample AppStart")
RunNative("setup", Null)
RunNative("CheckCore", Null)
RunNative("CoreZeroSetup", Null)
Dim x As Int = 0
For x = 0 To 255
Log("Loop running on core 1 - ", x , " times")
End Sub
#if C
TaskHandle_t RunInCore0; //Create a Task handle
void setup(B4R::Object* o) {
void CoreZero( void * pvParameters ){
Serial.print("This code is running on core ");
Serial.println(xPortGetCoreID()); //Returns the core used
// Code placed here will be run in Core 0. All other code will be run in Core 1
for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
Serial.print("Loop running on core 0 - ");
Serial.print(" times \n");
vTaskDelete(NULL); //Kill the task when finished unless you are running a continuous loop. Tasks cannot return!
void CoreZeroSetup(B4R::Object* o) {
//create a task that will be executed in the CoreZero() function, with priority 1 and executed on core 0
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(CoreZero,"RunInCore0",4096,0,1,&RunInCore0,0); //More info on
// ^ This value specifies the core to use (0 or 1)
void CheckCore( void * pvParameters ){ //Call to check where main is running from
Serial.print("Running on core ");
#End if