iOS Code Snippet Verify receipts for "Auto-renewable subscriptions"

For a current project, it was necessary to verify "Auto-renewable subscription" purchases in the Apple App Store.
Since the available information on this was very extensive and often confusing, below is the variant that works for me.
Maybe it saves others a time-consuming
odyssey through endless documentation and well-intentioned help in the forum landscapes outside there...

The use case
An app is offered as a subscription with automatic renewal. It has to be ensured that the proof of purchase is authentic.

The implementation
To verify the validity of an active subscription it is necessary to do this via an EXTERNAL server (this is the only way to exclude tampering on the local device). The function on the server (a PHP file) receives a proof of purchase from the app and makes a request to Apple with an additional secret word. Apple responds and returns detailed status information back to the app.

The process
When a user buys a subscription, he receives a proof of purchase, which is stored on the device (in the keychain).
When the app is started, the saved purchase receipt is used to query the server about the status of the subscription. Depending on the result, the app can be continued or terminated.

Sandbox or productive?
The requests are created in such a way that the productive address is queried first and only if necessary is it automatically switched to sandbox.

The test project
consists of a B4XPages project and a PHP file.
All subscription-relevant functions and the layout for the purchase are created in a separate class.
The purchase relevant events are handled within the class and only the result is returned in a callback.
During the initialization in B4XMainPage only your product descriptions and your server address need to be specified.
With the project you can trigger a purchase or verify a purchase receipt and get the result in JSON format.

The PHP file
$json['receipt-data'] = $_GET['receipt'];
$json['password'] = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-yoursecret-yyyyyyyyyyyy";
$json['exclude-old-transactions'] = true;
$testing = $_GET['calltype'];
$url = "";
if($testing == 'prod'){
    $url = "";
}else if($testing == 'debug'){
    $url = "";
$post = json_encode($json);
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$result=curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
print_r ($result, true);

b4i subscriptions class:
' ------------------------------------
' Handle ios subscriptions
' fredo v1
' ------------------------------------
' Tutorial: Validate app and in-app purchase receipts with the App Store -->
' Tutorial: How to get a receipt, by Jack Cole -->
' Tutorial: Validate a receipt, by apple dev -->
' Tutorial: Receipt Verification, by Dan Burcaw -->
' Tool: Http Tester "Postman" -->
' Tool: PHP checker and beautifier -->
' Tool: Visualize JSON tree -->
Sub Class_Globals
    Private xui As XUI
    Private su As StringUtils

    Private EventNametocall As String = ""
    Private CallerObj As Object

    Private urlvali As String = ""

    Private keychain As Phone
    Private istore As Store

    Public ProdId_M As String
    Public ProdId_Y As String
    Public Price_M As String
    Public Price_Y As String

    Private ParentPanel As B4XView
    Private MainPanelSubscription As B4XView
    Private MainPanBackSub_BtnFrame As B4XView
    Private MainPanBackSub_Button1 As B4XView
    Private MainPanBackSub_Button2 As B4XView
    Private MainPanBackSub_Label4 As B4XView
    Private Subscr_Hourglass As B4XView

    Private SubscLabelInfo As B4XView

End Sub

Public Sub Initialize(caller As Object, EventName As String, Parent As B4XView, ProductID_M As String, ProductID_Y As String, url_validation As String)
    CallerObj = caller
    EventNametocall = EventName
    urlvali = url_validation
    ParentPanel = Parent
    ProdId_M = ProductID_M
    ProdId_Y = ProductID_Y
    If Not(MainPanelSubscription.IsInitialized) Then
        Subscr_Hourglass.visible = False
        Subscr_Hourglass.SetColorAndBorder(0x735F9EA0, 0, 0, Subscr_Hourglass.Width /2)
    End If
    Dim ProdIds As List
    If istore.CanMakePayments  Then
        Subscr_Hourglass.visible = True
        istore.RequestProductsInformation(ProdIds)    ' Erel -->
        ShowInfoText("Payments on this device not available")
    End If
End Sub
private Sub istore_InformationAvailable (Success As Boolean, Products As List)
    If Success Then
        For Each p As ProductInformation In Products
            Select Case True
                Case p.ProductIdentifier = ProdId_M
                    Price_M = p.LocalizedPrice
                Case p.ProductIdentifier = ProdId_Y
                    Price_Y = p.LocalizedPrice
            End Select
    End If
    MainPanBackSub_Button1.Text = Price_M & " / Month"
    MainPanBackSub_Button2.Text = Price_Y & " / Year"
    Subscr_Hourglass.visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub MainPanBackSub_Button_Click As ResumableSub
    Dim bx As B4XView = Sender
    Select Case bx.Tag
        Case "b0" ' Close panel
        Case "btnM" ' Buy Monthly
        Case "btnY" ' Buy Yearly
        Case "btnR" ' Restore
            wait for (RestoreSubscription) complete(ProdPurch As Purchase)
            Dim AppMap As Map
            AppMap.Put("productrestored", ProdPurch.ProductIdentifier)
            AppMap.Put("sender", "RestoreSubscription")
            CallSubDelayed2(CallerObj, EventNametocall & "_ActionCompleted", AppMap)
    End Select
    Return Null
End Sub

Public Sub DialogShow
    MainPanelSubscription.Visible = True
End Sub
Public Sub DialogHide
    Subscr_Hourglass.visible = False
    MainPanelSubscription.Visible = False
End Sub

private Sub ViewWibbl(viewx As B4XView)
    Dim du As Int = 50
    Dim bxl As Int = viewx.Left
    viewx.SetLayoutAnimated(du, bxl +4dip, viewx.Top, viewx.Width, viewx.Height)
    viewx.SetLayoutAnimated(du, bxl -8dip, viewx.Top, viewx.Width, viewx.Height)
    viewx.SetLayoutAnimated(du, bxl, viewx.Top, viewx.Width, viewx.Height)
End Sub

public Sub ResetProducts
End Sub

public Sub iStoreBuy(ProductToBuy As String) As ResumableSub
    If Not(istore.CanMakePayments) Then
        xui.MsgboxAsync("In-App Purchases are not allowed on this device", "In-App Purchases")
        Return Null
    End If

    ShowInfoText("Payment in progress")
    Subscr_Hourglass.visible = True
    Subscr_Hourglass.SetRotationAnimated(400, 180)

    wait for istore_PurchaseCompleted (Success As Boolean, Product As Purchase)

    ShowInfoText("Purchase completed")
    Subscr_Hourglass.SetRotationAnimated(400, -180)

    If Success = True Then
        ' --- Get receipt for transaction ---
        Dim no As NativeObject = Product
        Dim receiptobject As NativeObject = no.GetField("transactionReceipt")
        If receiptobject.IsInitialized Then
            Dim b() As Byte = receiptobject.NSDataToArray(receiptobject)
            Dim receiptraw As String = BytesToString(b, 0, b.Length, "UTF-8")
            keychain.KeyChainPut("receiptraw", receiptraw)
            '  receipt data: {
            '        "signature" = "AyqFJPQJf2nL8gw...8cTqA==";
            '        "purchase-info" = "ewoJIm9yaWdpb...LARGESEQUENCE...OCBFdGMvR01UIjsKfQ==";
            '        "environment" = "Sandbox";
            '        "pod" = "100";
            '        "signing-status" = "0";
            '    }
            xui.MsgboxAsync("No receipt!", "In-App Purchases")
            Return Null
        End If
        ' --- Verify the Transaction Receipt ---
        wait for (ValidateAppStoreReceipt( keychain.KeyChainGet("receiptraw") )) complete(AppMap As Map)

        Subscr_Hourglass.SetRotationAnimated(400, 180)
        ' --- And finish in caller sub  
        AppMap.Put("producttobuy", ProductToBuy)
        AppMap.Put("sender", "iStoreBuy")
        CallSubDelayed2(CallerObj, EventNametocall & "_ActionCompleted", AppMap)
        ShowInfoText("Transaction ended")
    End If

    Subscr_Hourglass.visible = False

    Return Null
End Sub

public Sub GetActiveProductAppStore As ResumableSub
    If keychain.KeyChainGet("receiptraw").Length = 0 Then
        Return CreateMap("success":False)
    End If
    wait for (ValidateAppStoreReceipt( keychain.KeyChainGet("receiptraw") )) complete(AppMap As Map)
    Return AppMap
End Sub

public Sub ValidateAppStoreReceipt(receiptraw As String)  As ResumableSub
    ' App Store Receipts -->

    ' -- Prepare a result map
    Public ActiveProductMap As Map
    ActiveProductMap.Put("canmakepayments", istore.CanMakePayments)
    ' -- Try production mode first. If it fails, a second try in sandbox mode will follow.
    ActiveProductMap.Put("environment", "production")
    Dim validateProd As HttpJob
    validateProd.Initialize("validateProd", Me)
    validateProd.PostString($"${urlvali}?receipt=${su.EncodeBase64(receiptraw.GetBytes("UTF8"))}&calltype=prod"$, "")
    validateProd.GetRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
    Wait For (validateProd) JobDone(j1 As HttpJob)
    If Not(j1.Success) Then
        ActiveProductMap.Put("result", "error: " & j1.ErrorMessage.Replace(CRLF, (CRLF & "    ")) )
        Return ActiveProductMap
    End If

    Dim responseBody As String = j1.GetString

#region --- Returned data in j.GetString:
    ' The Receipt decoded, Element-by-Element:
    ' You get either:
    '        {"status":21007}
    ' or:
    '            {"expiration_intent":"1",
    '             "auto_renew_product_id":"MONTHLY_XYZ01",
    '             "is_in_billing_retry_period":"0",
    '              "latest_expired_receipt_info":
    '                  {"original_purchase_date_pst":"2021-05-13 23:20:48 America/Los_Angeles",
    '                 "quantity":"1",
    '                 "unique_vendor_identifier":"FB46F756-567F-4D56-4FB4-FC2F21ABCDE",
    '                 "bvrs":"1.4.54",
    '                 "expires_date_formatted":"2021-07-08 15:09:53 Etc/GMT",
    '                 "is_in_intro_offer_period":"false",
    '                 "purchase_date_ms":"1625756693000",
    '                 "expires_date_formatted_pst":"2021-07-08 08:09:53 America/Los_Angeles",
    '                 "is_trial_period":"false",
    '                 "item_id":"1568860737",
    '                 "unique_identifier":"fddd233c4479d036f3c44e79298e128683779f60",
    '                 "original_transaction_id":"1000000812433902",
    '                 "subscription_group_identifier":"20281358",
    '                 "transaction_id":"1000000833461406",
    '                 "in_app_ownership_type":"PURCHASED",
    '                 "web_order_line_item_id":"1000000063945483",
    '                 "purchase_date":"2021-07-08 15:04:53 Etc/GMT",
    '                 "product_id":"MONTHLY_XYZ01",
    '                 "expires_date":"1625756993000",
    '                 "original_purchase_date":"2021-05-14 06:20:48 Etc/GMT",
    '                 "purchase_date_pst":"2021-07-08 08:04:53 America/Los_Angeles",
    '                 "bid":"b4i.mypackage",
    '                 "original_purchase_date_ms":"1620973248000"},
    '             "receipt":
    '                 {"original_purchase_date_pst":"2021-05-13 23:20:48 America/Los_Angeles",
    '                 "quantity":"1",
    '                 "unique_vendor_identifier":"FB46F756-567F-4D56-4FB4-FC2F21ABCDE",
    '                 "bvrs":"1.4.54",
    '                 "expires_date_formatted":"2021-05-23 19:50:13 Etc/GMT",
    '                 "is_in_intro_offer_period":"false",
    '                 "purchase_date_ms":"1621795813000",
    '                 "expires_date_formatted_pst":"2021-05-23 12:50:13 America/Los_Angeles",
    '                 "is_trial_period":"false",
    '                 "item_id":"1568860951",
    '                 "unique_identifier":"fddd233c4479d036f3caaaaa298e154383779f6a",
    '                 "original_transaction_id":"1000000812433402",
    '                 "subscription_group_identifier":"20781258",
    '                 "transaction_id":"1000000839457082",
    '                 "in_app_ownership_type":"PURCHASED",
    '                 "web_order_line_item_id":"1000000062723775",
    '                 "purchase_date":"2021-05-23 18:50:13 Etc/GMT",
    '                 "product_id":"YEARLY_XYZ01",
    '                 "expires_date":"1621799413000",
    '                 "original_purchase_date":"2021-05-14 06:20:48 Etc/GMT",
    '                 "purchase_date_pst":"2021-05-23 11:50:13 America/Los_Angeles",
    '                 "bid":"b4i.mypackage",
    '                 "original_purchase_date_ms":"1620973148000"},
    '             "auto_renew_status":0,
    '             "status":21006}
#end region
    Dim jp As JSONParser
    Dim response21 As Int = 0
    If responseBody.StartsWith($"{"status":"$) Then
        Dim statemap1 As Map = jp.NextObject
        response21 = statemap1.GetDefault("status", 0)
#region -- Response codes:
        ' Apple receipt status -->
        '    21000 The request to the App Store was not made using the HTTP POST request method.
        '    21001 This status code is no longer sent by the App Store.
        '    21002 The data in the receipt-data property was malformed or the service experienced a temporary issue. Try again.
        '    21003 The receipt could not be authenticated.
        '    21004 The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account.
        '    21005 The receipt server was temporarily unable to provide the receipt. Try again.
        '    21006 This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response. Only returned for iOS 6-style transaction receipts for auto-renewable subscriptions.
        '    21007 This receipt is from the test environment, but it was sent to the production environment for verification.
        '    21008 This receipt is from the production environment, but it was sent to the test environment for verification.
        '    21009 Internal data access error. Try again later.
        '    21010 The user account cannot be found or has been deleted.
#end region
    End If

    ' -- Secondary try with sandbox, if prod failed
    If response21 = 21007 Then
        ActiveProductMap.Put("environment", "sandbox")
        Dim validateSandbox As HttpJob
        validateSandbox.Initialize("validateSandbox", Me)
        validateSandbox.PostString($"${urlvali}?receipt=${su.EncodeBase64(receiptraw.GetBytes("UTF8"))}&calltype=debug"$, "")
        validateSandbox.GetRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
        Wait For (validateSandbox) JobDone(j2 As HttpJob)
        responseBody = j2.GetString
        If responseBody.StartsWith($"{"status":"$) Then
            Dim statemap2 As Map = jp.NextObject
            response21 = statemap2.GetDefault("status", 0)
        End If
    End If
    ActiveProductMap.Put("firstresponse21", response21)

    Dim responsebodymap As Map = jp.NextObject ' App Store Receipt Data Types -->
    responsebodymap.Remove("latest_receipt") ' "latest_receipt" is a LARGE string that is normally not needed
    '    Log("#-")
    '    For Each k As String In responsebodymap.Keys
    '        Log("#-  x345, k: " & k & " --> " & responsebodymap.Get(k))
    '    Next
    '    Log("#-")

    ' --- Here you pick your relevant data from the extensive responsebody
    ActiveProductMap.Put("expiration_intent", responsebodymap.GetDefault("expiration_intent", "?")) ' -->
    ActiveProductMap.Put("status", responsebodymap.GetDefault("status", "?")) ' -->
    ActiveProductMap.Put("auto_renew_status", responsebodymap.GetDefault("auto_renew_status", "?")) ' -->
    ActiveProductMap.Put("auto_renew_product_id", responsebodymap.GetDefault("auto_renew_product_id", "?")) ' -->
    ActiveProductMap.Put("is_in_billing_retry_period", responsebodymap.GetDefault("is_in_billing_retry_period", "?")) ' -->
    If responsebodymap.ContainsKey("receipt") Then
        Dim receiptmap As Map = responsebodymap.Get("receipt")
        ActiveProductMap.Put("receipt_product_id", receiptmap.GetDefault("product_id", "?"))
        ActiveProductMap.Put("receipt_expires_date", receiptmap.GetDefault("expires_date", "?"))
        ActiveProductMap.Put("receipt_expires_date2", $"$DateTime{receiptmap.GetDefault("expires_date", 0)}"$)
    End If

    ' -- Auto renewable subscription still active?
    If response21 = 21006 Then
        ' The receipt is valid but the subscription has expired.
        ' Only returned for iOS 6-style transaction receipts for auto-renewable subscriptions.
        ActiveProductMap.Put("subscriptionexpired", True)
        Dim sf As Object = xui.MsgboxAsync("Your Subscription has expired", "Subscription")
        Wait For (sf) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
        ActiveProductMap.Put("subscriptionexpired", False)
    End If

    Return ActiveProductMap
End Sub

public Sub RestoreSubscription As ResumableSub
    Subscr_Hourglass.Visible = True
    Subscr_Hourglass.SetRotationAnimated(400, 180)
    ShowInfoText("Restore Subscription" & CRLF & "in progress")

    wait for istore_PurchaseCompleted (Success As Boolean, Product As Purchase)
    If Success = True Then
        Subscr_Hourglass.SetRotationAnimated(400, -180)
    End If

    Subscr_Hourglass.SetRotationAnimated(400, 180)
    Subscr_Hourglass.Visible = False
    ShowInfoText("Subscription restored")

    Return Product
End Sub

private Sub ShowInfoText(Text As String)
    If Text="" Then
        SubscLabelInfo.Visible = False
        SubscLabelInfo.Text = Text
        SubscLabelInfo.Visible = True
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub SubscLabelInfo_Click
    ' Nothing. Just consume the click
End Sub

Your own customizations in Main:
  #PlistExtra: <key></key><dict><key>NSIncludesSubdomains....
  #CertificateFile: yourfile
  #ProvisionFile: yourfile

Your own customizations in B4XMainPage:
    ' The names of your products and the sharedsecret are found (replace 000 with your appid) here:
    bisu.Initialize(Me, "bisu", Root, _
        "MONTHLY_XYZ01", _
        "YEARLY_XYZ01", _
        "")  '

Your own customizations in the PHP-file:
   $json['password'] = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-yoursecret-yyyyyyyyyyyy";

Please ask questions in the QUESTION section!
Not here.


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