iOS Question VideoPlayer Speed


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Hi, I'm using VideoPlayer in my app, i need to change the speed of my audio file...

I'm trying but nothing works.

Private Sub SetPlaybackSpeed(VideoPlayer As VideoPlayer, Speed As Float)
        ' Accede al objeto nativo asociado al VideoPlayer
        Dim no As NativeObject = VideoPlayer

        ' Obtener el AVPlayerViewController
        Dim avPlayerViewController As NativeObject = no.GetField("NativeView") ' Acceso al NativeView

        ' Verifica si el AVPlayerViewController está inicializado
        If avPlayerViewController.IsInitialized = False Or avPlayerViewController = Null Then
            Log("No se pudo acceder al AVPlayerViewController (NativeView).")
        End If

        ' Obtener el AVPlayer asociado
        Dim avPlayer As NativeObject = avPlayerViewController.GetField("player")

        ' Verifica si el AVPlayer está inicializado
        If avPlayer.IsInitialized = False Or avPlayer = Null Then
            Log("No se pudo acceder al AVPlayer (player).")
        End If

        ' Ajustar la velocidad de reproducción
        avPlayer.SetField("rate", Speed)
        Log("Velocidad configurada correctamente a: " & Speed)
        Log("Error en SetPlaybackSpeed: " & LastException.Message)
    End Try
End Sub